Medical Assistant Certification Program Application

Interested in growing your Medical Assisting career here at IU Health?

The MA Certification Program is designed to assist MAs interested in expanding their role beyond administrative duties and basic patient interactions and care. IU Health encourages current MA I team members to work toward certification to build on their career development. As a way to support this growth, IU Health provides program fees, enrollment, study materials, time to study during regularly scheduled working hours and meaningful coaching to help team members successfully pass the online certification exam on their first attempt.

Please complete this form and submit for approval.

Street, City, State, Zip Code

Best number to reach you

Which region are you located in?*
Are you currently in an MA I title?*

Please select the most recent start date at IU Health.

For example, if you first started on 1/1/2000, left and came back on 1/1/2022, the date below would be the most recent start date of 1/1/2022.

Have you completed a MA Program?*
Have you ever received a corrective action?*
Have you ever received an attendance action?*
Do you currently meet the eligibility requirements to participate in the MA Certification Program?*

Review the eligibility requirements below:

•Currently in an MA I titled position

•Completed the required employment period in a full or part time benefit eligible status

•Completed a MA Program or has been in an MA I position for more than one year within the last three years

•Has not received a Corrective Action or an Attendance Action in the previous six months

If you do not meet the eligibility requirements today? Select "not yet" below, and continue with this application. The Mosaic Center will reach out to you about ways you can still participate.

Are you applying for your initial MA certification or a recertification?*

1. Upon successful completion of the NHA Medical Assistant Certification program, I agree to work at IU Health in a Medical Assistant position for a period of one year in either a full- time or part-time position.

2. This work agreement is exclusive to any other bonus, grant, scholarship or other assistance. This agreement shall not constitute a contract of employment or alter my status as an employee at will.

If you agree to these terms, please type your full name (first, middle initial, last) in the box below. Your typed name will serve as your signature to this work agreement.