Making Sense of Pain new site application

Thank you for your interest in offering Making Sense of Pain in your community! Please complete the following form with as much information as you know about your site and someone from the Pain BC team will contact you in 5-10 business days to follow up. If you have questions about this application, please contact us at

Have you/your organization run Making Sense of Pain in the past?*
Which version of Making Sense of Pain were you hoping to run for your first cohort?*

Pain BC/Pain Canada cannot provide facilitators or venues but If your organization cannot pay for a facilitator, Pain BC/Pain Canada may be able to cover the wages. Alternately, we can assist sites with securing funding.

Note: We recommend a max of 10 participants per program.

Note: Pain BC/Pain Canada requires at least 3 months lead time for any new sites.

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For example, experience facilitating groups with people who experience marginalization or experience supporting people who use substances.

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