Research Institutional Commitment (RIC) Request Form

The RIC request and process is for monetary support requests only. For a non-monetary LOS please contact VPR directly.

This request must be submitted by the Senior Ranking Research Officer. Requests from PIs will not be accepted.

To provide adequate time, please submit the RIC at least four weeks prior to the sponsor due date.

Incomplete RIC submissions will be returned for revisions.

Please download a copy of the Research Institutional Commitment Request Summary from the link below. Complete and save as a PDF to attach on the form below.

Please enter today's date

Is the RIC submission date 4 weeks prior to the proposal due date?*

Please enter the date project grant is due

This should be the sum of total direct and indirect costs that you are requesting from the sponsor in your grant budget and should match #9 in the RIC Summary PDF

This will be the sum of the amounts listed in 6a, 6b and 6c below

Is the department (or equivalent) providing any support for this project?*

This amount must match amount on #10a. in the RIC Summary PDF

Is the Dean/college providing any support for this project?*

This amount must match amount on #10b. in the RIC Summary PDF

Please indicate support amount requested from the Office of Research. Total amount must match amount indicated in #10c. in the RIC Summary PDF

Please attach:

  • Research Institutional Commitment Summary PDF
  • Funding announcement/RFA
  • If applicable written communication with PO indicating justification
Drag and drop files here or