Histology Services Request Form

Updated 1/13/21

Requester Information

Please enter Last Name of submitter

Please enter First Name of submitter

Please enter Last name of the lab PI

Is this an Internal or External Request?*

This will be a 3-digit company number (e.g. 800 for research) followed by a 5-digit AU number (the same number you use for ordering supplies). Required for tracking purposes. If a charge is assessed, you will be notified before we begin the request.

Please enter the name of your organization

Please enter the address of your organization

Services Required

Do you need a quote?
Do you need paraffin embedding?*

Please enter the number of tissue samples you would like to have embedded

Do you need tissue sectioning?*
Sectioning type*

Please indicate how many sections you would like from each block

Please enter the number of sections you would like on each slide

Please enter any special instructions

Please enter the number of sections you would like on each slide

Please enter any special instructions

Do you need post-fix?*
Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol
Do you need Special Stains?*

Select all that apply

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol
Do you need H & E Staining?*
Do you need IHC?*
Do you want Immunofluoresence?

We can currently support up to two colors

Select all that apply

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol
Do you want DAPI counterstaining?

Please add any special instructions regarding antibody staining here