Basic Skills Vendor Application

Use this application if you provide Basic Skills or Job Readiness training and would like to add your program(s) to the Workforce Solutions Education & Training Vendor Network

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If you have multiple training locations, please select all that apply.

If your county is not listed, we do not service your region at this time.

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Required Documentation

Please review the items below and attest that you meet the requirements and/or are attaching the required documentation before submitting the application

All vendors must be:

(1) Licensed or approved by an applicable education regulating body such as, but not limited to the Texas Education Agency (TEA), Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), Texas Workforce Commission Career Schools (TWC), or

(2) Exempted by Texas Workforce Commission Career Schools (TWC). You must provide an exemption letter from TWC Career Schools (unregulated vendors).

**If you do not have one of the regulation statuses mentioned above, please do not proceed. You will need to access the following link and follow the steps to become licensed or exempt to operate a career school or college in Texas:

By checking this box, you attest that you are regulated or unregulated (Exempt) and are providing the required License/Certificate of Approval or Exemption Letter.

Vendors must have a published catalog that describes their courses, programs, services, costs to students, refund and attendance policies, and the criteria used to determine if students have successfully completed (graduated) from the program. This could be a physical catalog or catalog posted on the training provider's website. If you are unregulated (Exempt), you must also provide a written copy of curricula.

By checking this box, you attest that you are providing a current course catalog and curricula if applicable, or the catalog can be found on your website.

By checking this box, you attest that you have completed the Basic Skills (Job Readiness) Application(s)

*Please review the application thoroughly and ensure each section is complete, to prevent delays in processing. If you are applying to add more than one program, you will need to complete a separate application for each program you would like approved.

Required for Workforce Solutions Vendor Network

Education and training vendors must meet the following criteria for eligibility

Vendors, except for community colleges and universities, must have operated new programs for a minimum of one year before requesting to provide training for customers. We will not approve start-up organizations.

By checking this box, you attest that you have operated your program(s) for at least one year and you are providing proof. You may skip if you are a college or university.

We ask unregulated (Exempt) vendors to provide information about the credentials and experience of the instructors who will be providing service, such as resumes and curriculum vitae.

By checking this box, you attest that your school is unregulated (Exempt) and you are providing instructor credentials. You may skip if your school is not unregulated(Exempt).

Unregulated (Exempt) vendors must own or lease the proposed training facility or have an agreement with the organization that does.

By checking this box, you attest that you are providing a copy of the lease or agreement. You may skip if you are a college or university.

We pay the publicly advertised or published rate charged to any customer taking a course (we will not pay for services that are free to the public or for non-Workforce Solutions customers).

By checking this box, you attest that you are providing your published pricing and will not charge Workforce Solutions for services that are free or more than the published price.

An entity who is required to file an information return with the IRS, must obtain a correct taxpayer identification number or employer tax identification number. The information on the W-9 will be reviewed against the IRSs database and must match their records.

By checking this box, you attest that you are providing a completed W-9 form.

Vendors, except for public colleges and universities, must provide evidence of financial stability prepared by an independent Certified Public Accountant. Vendors cannot solely rely on funds from Workforce Solutions:

I. For a Sole Proprietorship submit:

a. Names of owners of record and copy of DBA if applicable

b. Audited or Reviewed financial statements of business for the most recent fiscal year

Balance Sheet, Income and Expense Statement, Statement of Cash Flow, and all notes required by Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) or Audit for the most recent year

Prepared in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services

Notes to the Reviewed Financial Statements must disclose the amount of payments for the next five (5)years to meet debt agreements are required by GAAP

II. For a Partnership or Corporation (for profit entity) submit:

a. A copy of the Articles of Incorporation or Partnership agreement

and DBA if applicable AND

b. Audited financial statements for the most recent fiscal year

1. Balance Sheet, Income and Expense Statement, Statement of

Cash Flow, and all notes required by Generally Accepted

Accounting Principles (GAAP)

2. Prepared by an independent CPA firm for the last fiscal

year in accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing

Standards (GAAS)

III. For a Non-Profit submit:.

a. IRS Tax exemption certificate (a copy of 501(C)

b. Audited financial statements for the most recent fiscal year

1. Balance Sheet, Income and Expense Statement, Statement of

Cash Flow, and all notes required by Generally Accepted

Accounting Principles (GAAP)

2. Prepared by an independent CPA firm for the last fiscal year in

accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards'


Please note: For all submissions, the balance sheet/financials must be submitted within four (4) months of the statement date. If more than four (4) months have elapsed since the financial statement date, a separate balance sheet or financials for a period close within four (4) months, which has been compiled, reviewed, or audited by a CPA firm, must also be submitted. The compiled balance sheet/statements must contain at least one note disclosing the current and long-term liabilities. This note shall be similar to that required by GAAP for reviewed and audited statements.

By checking this box, you attest that you are providing audited financial statements and/or tax returns as stated above (pdf only). You may skip if you are a college or university.

Vendors must have ADA-compliant facilities including equipment, textbooks, and software that provide reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. Post Secondary Schools must have an ADA Coordinator.

By checking the box below, you attest that your facility and equipment are ADA compliant and you agree to allow Workforce Solutions staff to conduct a site visit (not applicable to colleges, universities, and online only programs).

Please upload the Basic Skills Application along with the required documentation. *Note: There is a 10 file maximum upload. Some forms may need to be combined so they may be uploaded.

Drag and drop files here or