Youth Advocacy Manual Feedback

Thank you for taking the time to provide us ANONYMOUS feedback!

This resource is meant to support the people providing confidential advocacy services to youth in Oregon. The ongoing input from people doing this work, young people, and experts in the state of critical to ensuring this resource is useful.

This resource is a living document, meaning it is meant to change and improve over time. Not only do laws and policies change regularly, the experiences young people have and the systems they navigate shift over time. As things shift, we will do our best to update this resource.

Please contribute your ideas/requests for things to include in this resource, as well as edits/ clarifications that need to be made. Thank you again for taking the time to contribute to this resource. 

Please select all that apply.

(ex. Privileged and Confidential Youth Advocate, Privileged and Confidential General Advocate, Culturally Specific DVSA Advocate, Tribal Nations DVSA Advocate, DAVAP, etc.)

(Ex. Local, County, State, what is the focus of your work - public health, education, criminal justice, etc.)?

(ex. K-12, Higher ed, Pre-K, Early Learning, Educator, Admin, Faculty, Title IX Staff, School Counselor, School Based Health Center Staff, etc.)

Do you have recommended additions for this resource?

In addition to an overview of the topic/information you would like to see included, if possible please share any resource links/names that have been helpful to you regarding this topic.

Do you have any edits/corrections for this resource?

Whenever possible, please include a page number and section header so we can make any necessary edits as expediently as possible.

Do you want to provide general feedback on this resource?

Any feedback is very appreciated so we can continue to improve this and all resources we at ORSATF create.

Thank you!

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