Corridor Preservation Fund Application 2025

Please fill out this application form to confirm your submission to the Salt Lake County Corridor Preservation Fund.

Salt Lake County Corridor Preservation WebMap

Salt Lake County Corridor Preservation WebMap to use for reference as needed while filling out the application.


  • Project: The corridor along which you intend to purchase property.

  • Application: Consists of filling out this form and attaching all the necessary documentation.

Please, note:

  • One project per application.

  • Projects need to fulfill all pre-requisites listed below to qualify for funds.

  • Projects may score up to 100 points.

The initial results of the submitted application will be provided for informational purposes only and do not constitute a final score or guarantee funding.


Applications must meet the following criteria to qualify for the Salt Lake County Corridor Preservation Fund.

Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Phases 1 or 2

The project must be included on the 2023-2050 Wasatch Front Regional Council RTP in Phases 1 or 2. The RTP is a long-range blueprint that sets forth the 30-year strategy for regional transportation investments for all modes of transportation. It gets updated every 4 years and each phase represents a time frame of 10 years.

Appraisal & Review Appraisal

An appraisal and a review appraisal from a licensed appraiser with the state of Utah are needed for every property to be acquired via Corridor Preservation Funds.

Willing Seller

The property landowner must be willing to negotiate the sale of land with the jurisdiction. These funds may not be used for eminent domain or other similar procurement.

Boundary Resolution

Properties to be purchased should be free of boundary disputes at the time of application.

Privately-Owned Property

Only privately-owned properties qualify for Corridor Preservation Funds. Any properties owned by cities, county, state, or other public agencies/jurisdictions do not qualify for the fund. Public easements do not qualify for this fund.

If your application meets all of the pre-requisites, you may proceed with the application. Document submission will occur near the bottom of the application form.

Pre-Requisites met?*

Your Information

Please provide applicant and project information.

Scoring Matrix

See the link for the Scoring Matrix established by the Corridor Preservation Fund Corridor Needs and Program Evaluation, which was completed in September 2022. The following sections will help you score your project under all of these categories.

Connectivity - Roadway

This section is for all Roadway projects,

If your project is a designated Transit project, select "None of the Above".

Connectivity is defined as filling a gap in the transportation network. Points are awarded depending on the functional classification of the roadways the project currently connects. For example, if the project connects an arterial roadway to another arterial, it receives the highest amount of points in this category, followed by arterial to collector and so on.

Please, note this criterium does not refer to the functional classification of your project itself. The project's functional classification will be scored below.

To verify your project's connectivity, visit the SLCo Corridor Preservation WebMap.


Project: Vine Street Widening: 900 East to Van Winkle Express Way

RTP Phase: 1

The project shown on the web map example connects multiple functionally classified roadways, including 2 principal arterials. Points are only awarded for the highest scoring category. In this case the project would score 15 points (arterial to arterial).

What is the functional classification of the roadways your project connects to?*

Pick one of the 4 options below.

Connectivity - Transit

This section is for designated Transit projects.

If your project is acquiring property that is not designated for Transit, select "None of the Above."

If a transit project is within 1/4 mile of a FrontRunner stop, it receives the highest amount of points, followed by TRAX, bus stops and proposed facilities.

To verify your project's connectivity, view the SLCo Corridor Preservation WebMap.


Project: Midvalley BRT

RTP Phase: 1

As shown on the web map example, the future Midvalley BRT is planned to connect multiple bus stops and TRAX stations, but it will also connect to the FrontRunner Murray Station. Points are only awarded for the highest scoring category. In this case the project would score 15 points (connects to FrontRunner).

What Transit Facilities will your project connect to? (Designated Transit projects only)*

Pick one of the 5 options below. If your project connects to more than one transit category, pick the highest scoring one.

Project Timing

Good planning will be promoted by giving the greatest number of points to property acquisitions related to construction projects in the mid-range time window.

Projects in the 6-10-year window will receive higher scores, followed by 0-5-year and over 10 years.

When is your project planned to be constructed?*

Pick one of the 3 options below.

Project Completion Percentage

The Project Completion Percentage is defined as the number of parcels previously acquired plus the number of parcels applied for, divided by the total number of parcels needed to complete the project within the jurisdiction. For example, if the total number of parcels required to procure all of the necessary right-of-way for a project is 10, 3 have already been acquired and 4 are being applied for, the completion percentage would be (3+4)/10 = 70%. The higher the project completion percentage, the higher the points score.

To verify parcel information for your project, view the SLCo Corridor Preservation Fund WebMap using the link at the top of this application form.


Project: Cottonwood Street: 4500 South to Vine Street

RTP Phase: 1

Parcels to be acquired: #1 and #2 as identified in the web map example.

Parcels previously acquired: 5 (this includes parcels that belong to the Murray RDA and UTA)

Total number of parcels impacted within Murray: 51

Calculation: (2+5)/51= 13.7% . In this example, the project would score 2 points (1-20%).

What is your project's completion percentage?*

Pick one of the 5 options below.

Multi-Modal Elements

Projects that include a transit, bike or pedestrian component will score points in this category. The higher number of points will be provided for projects that include transit, followed by bicycle and then pedestrian improvements. Projects only get points for the highest scoring category, please only select one!

If you are unsure if your project has a multi-modal element, view the SLCo Corridor Preservation Fund WebMap using the link at the top of this application form*.

*Please, note it might be the case that multi-modal elements are not fully represented in the datasets currently in the map. Only transit and active transportation projects listed in the RTP are represented in the webmap. If your project has city-level facilities within the project area, it counts towards this criterium.


Project: 1300 E from 1300 South to I-80

RTP Phase: 1

The 1300 E widening project as seen on this web map example also has an active transportation component (bike lane) as established by the WFRC RTP (see as project and active transportation lines overlap). For this reason, this project would score 7 points in this criterium (Bicycle facilities).

Multi-Modal Elements*

Pick one of the 4 options below. If your project connects to more than one category, pick the highest scoring one.

Roadway Functional Class

Applications will be scored in relation to the roadway functional classification of the corridor. Principal Arterials score highest in this category, and Minor Collectors the lowest.

To find out your project's roadway functional class, view the SLCo Corridor Preservation Fund WebMap using the link at the top of this application form.


Project: 900 E from 3900 South to 4500 South

RTP Phase: 1

As seen on this web map example, the 900 E corridor is classified as major collector, so it would get 5 points in this criterium.

Roadway Functional Class*

Pick one of the 5 options below.

Serves Multiple Jurisdictions

Projects that cross more than one jurisdiction based on the 2023-2050 RTP Project Number will score higher in this category.

To verify if your project crosses more than one jurisdiction, view the WFRC 2023-2050 Regional Transportation Plan that is linked at the top of the page.


Project: 3300 S. / 3500. from I-215 W. to I-215 E.

RTP Phase: 2; Number R-S-64

As seen on this example, the entirety of the project crosses 3 jurisdictions: West Valley City, South Salt Lake and Millcreek. This project would score 5 points in this category (3+ Jurisdictions).

How many jurisdictions does your project cross?*

Pick one of the 3 options below.

Multi-Jurisdictional Support

Applications that can provide documents of support from multiple jurisdictions will score points in this category.

Do you have proof of multi-jurisdictional support for your project?*

Pick one option below. Please submit documentation with other documents below.

Pre-Engineering or Environmental Clearance

Applicants that show proof of pre-engineering or environmental clearance will be awarded points in this category.

Do you have pre-engineering or environmental clearance documents for your project?*

Pick one option below. Please submit documentation with other documents below.

Funding History

Jurisdictions that have not been awarded funds in the past 5 years via the Salt Lake County Corridor Preservation Fund will receive points.

Has your jurisdiction received any Salt Lake County Corridor Preservation Funds in the last 5 years?*

Local Match

Is your jurisdiction proposing a local match?*

Applicants that have a local match to provide for property purchase will be awarded points. The minimum amount must equal 5% of the total request.

Please indicate local match amount and the % of the total requested amount:

Past Performance

The final decision on the approval of projects is made by the Salt Lake County Council of Governments (COG) Public Works Committee. This committee reserves the right to subtract points based on the past performance of a jurisdiction regarding previously awarded funds. For example, if a jurisdiction consistently under estimates the cost of acquisition, seeks extensions to awarded funds, or any other related behavior.

Document Submittal

List of Application Documents:

Appraisal (Required)

Willing Seller Letter (Required)

Review Appraisal (Required)

Boundary Resolution (Required if Applicable)


Environmental Clearance

Multi-Jurisdictional Support (Resolution/Letter of Support).

Upload documents here. If file is too large please email using adobe cloud to

Drag and drop files here or

If you have any additional information you would like the COG Public Works Committee to know, please enter it below.

Thank you for submitting your application!

You will receive an email with a preliminary score total. Your application will then go through an internal review process where your information will be reviewed and the final score will be determined.