GSSP JV Request Form

GSSP Journal Voucher Request form is used by departments to request the Graduate School to move GSSP tuition and/or health insurance charges from the original Project ID to another Project ID, where one of those projects is slot/state funds (This form is not needed if state funds are not impacted. Please contact Contracts & Grants for assistance in moving charges from one grant to another grant, crossing OUC's). The reallocation of GSSP charges could be related to a redistribution of GA stipend from the original Project ID to a new funding source or another reason.

Please do not submit until the SDC is approved by all parties.

NOTE: We cannot honor JV requests for a past fiscal year.

This is the email account that will receive notifications for this request.

Specify the Purpose of the JV Request

Provide a Brief Description of the JV Request

Enter the Project ID(s) and Stipend Amount Charged to Each Project ID

Enter the Project ID(s) and stipend amount charged to each Project ID

Does the student have any other GA appointment?

Provide information about the Additional GA Appointment Type (RA, TA, GSA, etc.), Stipend amount, etc.

If you have additional information to share, you can upload files here. These files can be your proration calculations, confirmation of salary distribution changes, or any other information that you would like to attach to the request.

Drag and drop files here or