Training Request Form

Please fill out the form on this page to request a ground safety course or other training and we will reach out to you.

Contact Information


Event/Training Request

Please select the event or training requested and list, in order of preference, 3 dates and times you would like to be considered for your class.

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Caret IconCaret symbol

Service Information

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

Call volume, types of calls, first response, transporting service.

Will you be inviting neighboring agencies?*

Training Site Information

Please provide information about the training location, including the physical address, the classroom setting, what AV equipment you have, and the location and description of the landing zone (if applicable).

75 character limit

75 Character Limit

Landing Zone Information

Aircraft requested for this training?*
Is a ground ambulance requested for this event?

75 Character limit

Has DHART landed at this location before?*
Is this LZ listed as a DHART pre-designated LZ in your town?
Would you like this LZ to be listed as a pre-designated LZ in your town?

EX: N-24, 34E1, Etc

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Caret IconCaret symbol
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