Request for Approval of External Professional Employment

In accordance with the provisions of the Faculty Manual in Section 2.4.5, all full-time faculty must submit a request for approval to engage in non-university employment prior to the start of any outside employment (including adjunct teaching, consult for pay, or other type of external employment). This includes all on contract or on retainer employment.

  • Approval of new requests for non-university employment must be completed one month prior to the proposed start of the external employment.
  • Approval of ongoing non-university employment is to be completed within one month of the start of the academic year (September 21, 2023 deadline for the 2023-2024 academic year).

A PDF with all responses to this form will be emailed to you, your Department Chair, your Dean, and the Provost within one business day of completions.

Please contact Sally Skrip with any questions regarding this form.

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I request approval to accept consulting and/or external professional employment. The proposed employment will not interfere with my St. Edward's University responsibilities, including teaching in the modality of my assigned courses. I have read Sections 2.4.5 and 2.4.6 and agree to conduct my consulting and/or external professional employment in accordance with these policies and this regulation. My value as a faculty member and my own professional status will be enhanced and strengthened by the proposed consulting and/or external professional employment.

Describe the scope of work and nature of relationship with external employer, such as consultant, board member, employee, expert witness, etc.

Please list the start date and end date of the external employment.