GEAHM Awards Nomination Form

Use this form to nominate a faculty colleague or submit your nominee packet to accept a nomination.

Nomination deadline (Original Deadline Extended): January 13, 2025 by 5pm

Nominee packets due (Original Deadline Extended): January 21, 2025 by 5pm

The Gender Equity in Academic Health and Medicine Committee seeks to recognize individuals who support the success of women and gender diverse individuals in academic health and medicine. We also work to create culture change in the area of recognition of the important roles of cisgender/transgender women and gender diverse individuals at OHSU. To recognize such individuals, the committee has created a total of five awards: the Mentoring, Research Excellence, Clinical Excellence, Emerging Leader, and Trainee awards.


•    The Mentoring, Research Excellence, Clinical Excellence, and Emerging Leader awards are open to faculty from all schools, colleges, and affiliated units.

•    The Trainee award is open to OHSU students, postdocs, residents and fellows, including professionals-in-training who are enrolled in the OHSU-PSU School of Public health and OSU-OHSU College of Pharmacy.

Nominations should consist of:


•    A letter of nomination (1-page, less than 400 words) The nomination letter should specifically address how the individual’s accomplishments relate to the purpose of the award.


•    At least one additional letter of support from colleagues (letter should be gathered by the nominee and attached to the submission form).

•    The nominee’s curriculum vitae (highlighted with accomplishments relevant to the award).

•    A brief statement by nominee (less than 200 words) describing why nominee is strong candidate for the award.

•    Any other requested documentation for each award.

Application Procedure

1.    Nominator: Submit the letter of nomination by the January 13, 2025 at 5pm deadline.

2.    Nominee: Notification of the nomination will be sent to the nominee with the request to submit their letter(s) of support, CV, brief statement and other documents by the January 21, 2025 at 5pm deadline.

For questions regarding the awards process or the awards form, please reach out to

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Nominee Information

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The Mentorship Award recognizes the outstanding record of mentorship of an individual faculty member at OHSU. The Mentorship Award will be awarded to an OHSU faculty member of any gender who goes above and beyond their duties, and exemplifies a deep commitment to fostering the professional and personal development of women and gender diverse students, residents, fellows, post-docs, and faculty. Successful candidates will have contributed to the success of women and gender diverse individuals by mentoring and promoting them in any domain at OHSU, including clinical, education, research, and administration.


  • OHSU faculty of any gender
  • Instructor, Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor


  1. Nominator letter – as stated above
  2. Nominee CV – as stated above
  3. Letter(s) of support: A letter of support may be written by one or more authors. At least one of the authors must have been a person mentored by the candidate, and must comment on how the candidate’s mentorship benefited career advancement of women and gender diverse individuals.
  4. Nominee brief statement – as stated above
  5. Additional requirement – Mentee list that includes names of the mentee, professional level of the mentees (e.g., pharmacy student, medicine resident), purpose of the relationship (e.g., mentorship of X research project, education initiative, etc.), duration of the mentorship, current status of the mentee, and outcome of the mentorship.

•    Letters of nomination and support should speak to the candidate’s excellence in mentorship in one or more domains (clinical, education, research, and administration), and should discuss how the candidate’s excellence in mentorship extends beyond the routine duties of their job, emphasizing successful mentorship programs that they have developed.

•    For example, strong letters will speak to a candidate’s ability to support: the promotion of women and gender diverse individuals into faculty positions or positions of leadership; the development of a mentee’s clinical, research, policy, or quality improvement programs and initiatives; the networking advancement of mentees (such as positioning mentees to serve on professional committees or serve as speakers); retention; and personal satisfaction and growth.


(Formerly Discovery in Science Award)

This Research Excellence award highlights the major contributions being made by scientists at OHSU, with a focus on research impact and potential. For those who are early or mid-career, more emphasis can be placed on research potential. This award is open to women and gender diverse individuals who conduct research in OHSU (including but not limited to basic, clinical, translational, public health, or quality improvement research). The Research Excellence award will be awarded to a faculty member who not only demonstrates outstanding achievements in research, but also presents a model to inspire future generations of women and gender diverse individuals in science through her/their work.


  • OHSU faculty who are cisgender/transgender women or gender diverse individuals.
  • Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor


  1. Nominator letter – as stated above
  2. Nominee CV – as stated above
  3. Letter(s) of support: The letter of support may have one or more authors, possibly including comments from an individual at another institution who is familiar with the nominee’s research impact and/or potential
  4. Nominee brief statement – as stated above

•    The letter of nomination should summarize the nominee’s scientific achievements. Strong letters will also describe evidence of community engagement in science either locally, nationally and/or internationally.

•    The letter of support should include evidence of the nominee’s scientific impact in their field of research, possibly by an individual at another institution.


The Clinical Excellence award is given to a faculty clinician who has dedicated their career to excellence in patient care. The recipient will have advanced the quality of care at OHSU through education and quality improvement and is recognized as an outstanding clinician by their peers.


  • OHSU faculty who are cisgender/transgender women or gender diverse individuals.
  • Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor


  1. Nominator letter – as stated above
  2. Nominee CV – as stated above
  3. Letter(s) of support: The letter of support may have one or more authors. Letter(s) should address the nominee’s leadership across domains including within OHSU, locally, regionally, nationally, and/or internationally.
  4. Nominee brief statement – as stated above

The letters of nomination and support for this award should showcase how the individual’s contributions to education and quality improvement have positively influenced patient experiences at OHSU, as well as speak to their recognition as a leader in clinical excellence. Examples of contributions include recipient of Rose Awards, development of clinical innovations, creation of new clinical services lines, or QI initiatives (e.g., patient safety).


The Emerging Leader Award recognizes an Assistant or Associate Professor faculty member who is running significant initiatives and is fast becoming a prominent and visible leader of the future.


  • OHSU faculty who are cisgender/transgender women or gender diverse individuals.
  • Instructor, Assistant, or Associate Professor


  1. Nominator letter – as stated above
  2. Nominee CV – as stated above
  3. Letter(s) of support: The letter of support may have one or more authors. Letter(s) should address the nominee’s leadership across domains including within OHSU, locally, regionally, nationally, and/or internationally.
  4. Nominee brief statement – as stated above

The letters of nomination and support for this award should speak of the individual’s potential as a leader and include examples of recent initiatives. Successful candidates may have evidence of multidisciplinary initiatives, including collaborations with community partners and across traditional barriers. Strong candidates may have media coverage of their achievements and/or recognition of their efforts beyond OHSU (e.g., with their professional society).


(Formerly Professional In-Training Award)

The Trainee Award recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions in research, clinical care, education, service, or policy while in training. The period of training may be as a student, resident, fellow, doctoral candidate, or post-doc.


  • OHSU students, residents, fellows, or post-doctoral scholars/fellows who are cisgender/transgender women or gender diverse individuals.


  1. Nominator letter – as stated above
  2. Nominee CV – as stated above
  3. Letter(s) of support: One letter of support: The letter of support may be written by one or more authors.
  4. Nominee brief statement – as stated above

The letters of nomination and support for this award should speak to the significant accomplishments the individual has made such as developing a new clinical or educational program; efforts to impact policy at the institutional, local, regional, or national level; or significant research accomplishments. The work should be above that required for their training program. They may impact OHSU, our local or regional community, or have national visibility.

(e.g. Student, Postdoc, Resident, Fellow, Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Etc.)

A brief statement by nominee (less than 200 words) describing why nominee is strong candidate for the award.

Nomination Letter Upload

Please upload your nomination letter as one pdf file. The letter of nomination (less than 400 words) should specifically address how the individual’s accomplishments relate to the purpose of the award.

Nominee Documentation & Professional Photo - File Upload

Please upload your full packet of nomination documents as one pdf file and upload a professional headshot (jpeg or png) for use on Awards materials.

Documentation should include:

• At least one additional letter of support from colleagues.

•   The nominee’s curriculum vitae (highlighted with accomplishments relevant to the award).

•    Any other requested documentation for each award.

Please note: All letters of support - both internal and external - should be attached to this form by the nominee.

For questions concerning your submission or issues with uploading, please reach out to Documents emailed directly to will not be accepted except in extenuating circumstances.

Drag and drop files here or