Results: SLO Assessment

Submit your course outcome assessment results for courses previous to Fall 2024. Please use cycle 7 form for Fall 2024 and beyond.

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Enter the semester and year (e.g. Fall 2019)

Begin typing the course prefix to filter the list below.

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Provide the section number for the course you are reporting outcomes for.

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Verify the SLO number on the official Course Outline of Record (COR). If your course has more than five SLOs, type in the SLO number.

Select or enter value
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Outcome Assessment Results

Note: The five levels below should add up to 100%. If you need support in calculating percentages, a great tool is this percentage calculator.

Many of the terms below can be subjective based on your own definitions of "some" and "exceeded." It is best practice to provide students with clear criteria of what constitutes these words.

*do not use decimals, round up or down

Enter the percentage of students who did not provide evidence of proficiency. For accurate percentages, remove these students from the total count when entering information for every other proficiency level.


Enter the percentage of students who attempted assessments but did not show proficiency in the SLO.


Enter the percentage of students who demonstrated some proficiency in the SLO.


Enter the percentage of students who demonstrated proficiency in the SLO.


Enter the percentage of students who exceeded base proficiency in the SLO.


Outcome Assessment Reflection

This question is optional but can be useful for departments in collecting programmatic reflection. This will be a beneficial record to refer back to when submitting your program review.