Ulrich Hall Reservation Requests
Requests Outside of Business Hours (M-F 10AM - 4PM)
Student groups are required to have a UMD faculty, staff, or graduate assistant for after-hours events. This sponsor must be the one to pick up and be responsible for the key, and must be present for the entirety of the event, if the event is before 10 am or after 4 pm, M-F (or on University holidays).
The piano in Ulrich Recital Hall is owned by the School of Music. Individuals who wish to use it must be vetted by them. Please contact Aaron Muller at amuller@umd.edu for more information. The piano is a permanent prop of the recital hall and requests to have it moved off stage are only approved if it absolutely hinders your event. Requests to have the piano moved require at least one week’s notice. The piano can be pushed from center stage, but must be done with extreme caution, since doing so could damage the piano. Individuals who move the piano assume full responsibility for any damage incurred, including scratches.
Building Access
The main doors to Tawes are open between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m., on days the University is open. Events with start times outside of those hours will require Building Security Services to unlock the outside doors to allow access to the building. Please check the appropriate checkbox if you need after hours or weekend access.
This space has a limit of four wireless microphone channels. This means the maximum number of microphones you can use are 4 wireless (2 lapel, 2 hand-held) and the wired podium microphone. If your event requires more microphone inputs, you will need to hire an outside contractor to provide the PA system that you need. Please contact ARHU ACS staff to coordinate with the vendor you hire..