Supplier Registration Form


Please fill in all data requested below. In the event any fields are not applicable to your organization enter “N/A”. Should information submitted be incomplete, we may not be able to consider your firm as a contractor/supplier.

Full Legal Entity Name

If different from name above; otherwise mark N/A

Headquarters or Primary Business Address

Briefly describe the type of product or service you offer.

Do you have a Parent Company?*

List all Subsidiaries and Affiliates

Form of Business*

How many years has your organization been in business under your present firm name?

Minority Ownership*

Does your company have any minority ownership/financial backing?

Minority Ownership Type

If yes, please specify the minority ownership type you are classified as.

Do you normally employ:

List as MWac or MWdc

(check if true)

(check if true)

(check if true)

Has the company, or its predecessors, or any person in an official capacity with the company, ever been adjudicated bankrupt; ever failed to complete a contract; or ever made an assignment of assets in settlement of business obligations for less than the total amount of the indebtedness?*
Are there now any liens, suits, or judgements pending or outstanding, and unsatisfied as a result of the business operations or the company, its officers, or its predecessors?*

I hereby affirm that all information supplied is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief, and I understand that this information will be considered material in the evaluation of quotations, bids, and proposals. Notice must be given of any change in status impacting the information provided within ten (10) days of said change. Checking the box below signifies that you agree.

Must be a company officer.

Select today's date.

Please provide copies of items below with your SPF submission:

  1. Most recent Audited Financial Statement, Including Balance Sheet & Income Statement
  2. Statement of Qualifications
  3. Past Projects and Customer References (if not included under bullet 2)

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