2025 Summer Requests to Clear Requisites

This form is to request permission to enroll in a Data course in Summer 2025 if you met one or more of the enforced requisites in a way not already approved officially in the registration system, or with a transfer course that is not recognized as equivalent on your UC Berkeley academic record.

Please note that enrollment requests will NOT override reserved seats or maximum class capacities.

List your current major in CalCentral (not intended).

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Alternate Completion of a Course Requisite

Please verify on our website which alternate courses are approved before submitting your request. Requests for unapproved courses will not be considered.

Include name of school if outside UC Berkeley.

UC Berkeley approved options include Data C8, Stat 20, Stat 21, W21, 135, PH 142 or IndEng 165.

Include name of school if outside UC Berkeley. UC Berkeley approved options include CompSci 61A, Data C88C and Engin 7.

Include name of school if outside UC Berkeley. May be taken concurrently with Data C100.

UC Berkeley approved options include Math 54, 56, EECS 16A, Stat 89A, and Physics 89. Math 91 taken in F22 is also approved.

If you took a course outside of UC Berkeley that does not yet appear on your Transfer Credit Report in CalCentral, upload your unofficial transcript or proof of enrollment. Your documentation should include your name, the institution name, which course you took/are taking, and the grade if available.

If you took a course outside of UC Berkeley that is NOT articulated on www.assist.org, and have received approval that your course is equivalent to a UC Berkeley course, upload the Course Equivalency form or equivalency documentation here. (This is not required for California community college courses that are already articulated on www.assist.org.)

You may upload more than one file if necessary.

Drag and drop files here or

Enrollment permission will NOT override class capacities. If the class is full, a permission number will allow you to waitlist only.