Invite the ZAP Advisory Board to Your Event

The ZAP program strongly encourages you invite the appropriate Advisory Board to at least one of your organization's events for free annually; however, you may invite your Tier's board members as often as you wish. Events must be submitted separately. If your event has multiple dates, you may submit those in one form. If you are inviting the board to a season or series of programs, please submit each event individually at least two weeks but no more than four weeks prior to the event's RSVP date. Board members will RSVP directly to your organization to attend, and your organization will be in charge of managing subsequent event correspondence. --- Invitations are sent to the board in batches approximately every two weeks. Because of this, we recommend you submit your invitation 3-4 weeks head of your RSVP date (or if no RSVP, your event date).

ZAP staff or board will contact this individual with any questions or RSVPs for the event, unless other instructions are given.

eg. Director of Marketing

Event Information

What type of event are you submitting?
Is it at least 2 weeks prior to the event's date or RSVP date (whichever is applicable/sooner)?

If it is less than 2 weeks to your event date or RSVP date, you are still welcome to submit an invitation, however we cannot guarantee it will get to the board in time. Please follow up with ZAP staff.

Which ZAP Board do you want to invite to your event?
Is this invitation extended to the ZAP staff? (5 members)

ZAP staff may accept up to one event invitation from your organization per year.

Please type only numbers.

Please format as "(Day of week), (Month) (Day), (time)" Example: Wednesday, March 15, 7:30pm. If your event has multiple days/times, please enter each in that format with a semicolon between each.

This text will be provided directly to the board.

In-Person Events: Include the full address including street, city, zip code. Virtual Events: URL for actual event (not description page).

Please provide any additional instructions that might help board members attend your virtual event (if they need tickets, if they will need to have access to or download certain software, etc).

Is an RSVP required?

If you have multiple/moving RSVP dates, please enter the earliest date here.

Anything else the board should know (eg. where tickets should be picked up, dress code, parking, any particular instructions for accessing virtual events, if they need tickets, etc)