T&H Division Spring 2022 Seating Chart

If you are teaching multiple classes on campus please enter all the courses you are teaching.

Submit all seating charts together, saved as individual files.

Before uploading your seating chart(s) please make sure it is saved in the following format:

CRN (# ONLY)- COURSE NAME - FACULTY NAME - T&H Division- Spring 2022

EXAMPLE: 29945 - Math 101 - Joe Mountie - T&H Division-Spring 2022

If you need assistance please contact Vivian Saldana (909) 274-5017; vsaldana@mtsac.edu

e.g. AIRC10, AIRC12


Please rename each pdf file using the following naming convention:

EXAMPLE: 29945 - Math 101 - Joe Mountie - T&H Division-Spring 2022

Drag and drop files here or