Public Health Major Elective Petition

Elective petitions are reviewed monthly. After submission, you will receive a decision within 1-2 months.

If you would like to petition courses that are not currently on the approved list of electives that can found on Curriculum for the Bachelor of Arts in Public Health Program page, you will have to submit a petition via this form.

You may petition a class before, during, or after taking it. You must be a public health major to petition a class. Core and capstone classes cannot be petitioned; this function is for electives only.

You will have to provide

  • a syllabus of the course you wish to petition
  • syllabus of an already approved course you find it similar to
  • information about each course (i.e. units, where it is offered)

We recommend students reach out to the professors, advisors, or department of the class to obtain the syllabus.

First and last.

Please verify that you are a Public Health major.*

You must be a declared Public Health major in order to be able to petition a course to count as a Public Health elective. Please verify below.

Course Petitioning

The course you are petitioning is the course you wish to be reviewed to be added to the electives list.

Please be prepared to attach the syllabus, course description, and any other additional information for the course you are petitioning.

Please lease include course number and, if available, partner university course number for study abroad courses. (i.e. J2M032 HLTHS 101: Global...)

Departments may have special topic courses. These special topic courses have the same number but change topics. Examples are PH 196, Anthro 189, etc.

If this is for a Study Abroad program, please double check & confirm with a Study Abroad Advisor of how many semester units the course counts for.

The amount of units you earn will be the amount of units the course transfers over as on CalCentral. If in quarter or ECTS units, please convert to semester units.

(i.e. UC Berkeley, UCLA, University of Copenhagen, etc)

If this is a course abroad, which program? (i.e. UCEAP, Berkeley Summer abroad)

Please copy and paste the course description from the syllabus.

Some study abroad program information on the website. You may enter the link of the website here.

Equivalent Course (EC)

The equivalent course is an already approved elective on the PH Electives list that you believe the course you are petitioning is similar or equivalent to.

Please be prepared to attach the syllabus, course description, and any other additional information for the course you are petitioning. The equivalent course must already be on the approved PH elective list. You can attach up to two EC courses.

Please lease include course number and, if available, partner university course number for study abroad courses. (i.e. J2M032 HLTHS 101: Global...)

Please note that we will honor the units the course transfers over as on your Calcentral.

(i.e. UC Berkeley, UCLA, University of Copenhagen, etc)

If this is a course abroad, which program? (i.e. UCEAP, Berkeley Summer abroad)

Example: Summer 2022, Fall 2022, Spring 2023

Please copy and paste the course description from the syllabus.

If you believe you need a second course to make a case that the course you are petitioning should be considered a PH elective, you can provide the course's information here.

An equivalent course is an already approved elective on the PH Electives list that you believe the course you are petitioning is similar or equivalent to.

Please lease include course number and, if available, partner university course number for study abroad courses. (i.e. J2M032 HLTHS 101: Global...)

(i.e. UC Berkeley, UCLA, University of Copenhagen, etc)

If this is a course abroad, which program? (i.e. UCEAP, Berkeley Summer abroad)

Please copy and paste the course description from the syllabus.

I believe the course should count towards the elective units because... The course is connected to Public Health because...

Remember that as a Public Health major, you must take 10 Public Health elective units with 4 of the 10 being upper division. Electives must be taken for a letter grade with the exception of PB HLTH 116 and PB HLTH 104 A/B, which are Pass/No Pass only).

Please attach syllabi of the all the courses listed in the petition (the course you are petitioning and the courses it is equivalent to). Your petition will be incomplete and not considered if you are missing a syllabus. You may also attach any other supporting documents you feel would support your petition. This includes class projects, assignments, etc.

Drag and drop files here or