
Individual Graduate Grant

Reimbursement Request Form

Spring 2025 Grant Reimbursement Deadlines

Graduating Students: April 30

All other students: May 15


This form is for students submitting a request for reimbursement payments related to the following individual grant programs:

  • GAPSA Professional Council Travel Grants
  • GAPSA Research Council Travel Grants
  • GAPSA President Gutman Leadership Award Grants
  • GSESG Travel & Research Grants
  • Fontaine Society Travel/Research Grants
  • Nursing DSO Student Grants
  • SASGov Research Grants

Requests for GAPSA-funded student group activities should use the 2024-25 Graduate Student Activities Payment Request Form.

IMPORTANT Please add the following addresses to your email contacts and be sure to check your junk folder for important email notifications and alerts related to your request:

  • automation@app.smartsheet.com
  • DONOTREPLY@sciquest.com



All grant funds are disbursed through the Penn Marketplace. In order to receive your grant, you must be registered as a payee in the Penn Marketplace by an authorized financial administrator. Please do NOT attempt to self-register!

  • If you are already registered in the Penn Marketplace as a payee, please log into your profile (click here) and complete the following steps before submitting this form:
  • Confirm that 1) your profile and payment (remit) details are current and 2) your payee status is active. Expired or incomplete information may delay payment or result in a physical check sent to the address on file.

  • Find your Penn Marketplace Supplier Number, which you will enter in the form below. The Supplier Number is a a unique 6-digit number assigned to each student payee that is displayed under your name in the left side column of the Penn Marketplace portal.

  • If you are not yet registered, the Graduate Grants office will request a registration for you. Do not attempt to register yourself.
  • We will contact you with additional details after you submit this form.

Grants are processed on a rolling basis. Grant processing times and disbursements will vary by person and program.

Student Requester Information

If you have any questions, please refer to the following website. https://lgbtc.vpul.upenn.edu/Pronouns/

Larger, 8-digit number on the front of your PennCard

Grant Information

Grant Type*

Please indicate the type of grant you received

This is the unique identifier included in your award acceptance confirmation -- please do NOT enter the amount of the award. Please do not submit for reimbursement until you have received this information.





Please enter the maximum award amount indicated in your award notification. Award funds are granted up to the amount specified in your award letter on the basis of documented, eligible expenses submitted through this form.

Numbers only, no symbols.

Please remember: You must provide detailed final receipts and/or invoices documenting all expenses for which you are requesting reimbursement.

Reimbursement Details

Please select the type(s) of documented expenses for which you are seeking reimbursement through this grant/award. Requests are limited to expenses explicitly covered by your original application and award notification.

Travel Expenses*

Please indicate if you are seeking reimbursement for any costs related to travel by selecting the appropriate choice below.

Please provide the Record Locator number from your list of registered trips. This information is included between the Trip/PNR and Status columns in your MyTrips account.

**Please note**

Penn Purchasing and payment policies specify a number of restrictions and guidelines related to reimbursing expenses for student conference and professional development-related travel. These include, but are not limited to the following:

Regional Travel

  • For conferences and other activities based in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, only registration fees may be reimbursed.

Local Travel & Transit

  • Local travel at any location may be covered only on the first/last day of travel and where justified by the itinerary. Taxi/carshare will only be covered where reasonable and more affordable alternatives are unavailable or impractical due to location or time of day.
  • For travel to/from airports and stations, travelers are expected to take the most affordable method, including public transit where available.


  • Lodging expenses may be covered at up to 110% of the published per diem rates in the activity location.
  • Lodging dates should not extend beyond covered activity period.
  • Students can only be reimbursed for shared costs if all names for travel companions are provided in advance and by all parties.

Please provide the total documented cost for all covered expenses in this category for which you are seeking reimbursement.

Numbers only, no symbols.

Please provide the total documented cost for all covered lodging expenses for which you are seeking reimbursement. Numbers only, no symbols.

Please note that a final hotel folio/invoice for the stay including payment will be required below. Reservation confirmations are not considered proof of payment.

Please provide the total documented cost for all covered expenses in this category for which you are seeking reimbursement.

Numbers only, no symbols.

Please provide the total documented cost for all covered expenses in this category for which you are seeking reimbursement.

Numbers only, no symbols.

Please provide the total documented cost for all other covered expenses for which you are seeking reimbursement.

Numbers only, no symbols.

Documentation Upload

** Your request will not be processed until we receive all requirement documentation of your award and the expenses for which you are requesting reimbursement.**

Required documentation includes:

  • Grant Award Letter: This should be a PDF or screenshot of the complete. official award letter or email notification. All award details must be included in the PDF or image.

  • Detailed, itemized final receipts/invoices for all covered expenses. Must include itemized list of charges or costs, date of purchase, payment type or form (e.g., card, cash, etc.), and name of purchaser. **Please note: Reservation confirmations and partial receipts without all required information will NOT not be accepted as proof of payment.

Failure to include ALL required documentation may lead to your request being delayed or denied

Drag and drop files here or

Payment Information

Payment Details*

Have you previously / are you currently registered in the Penn Marketplace?

Your Penn Marketplace Supplier Number is a unique 6-digit number assigned to you as a student payee. This number can be found displayed under your name in the left side column of the Penn Marketplace portal. Providing this number is not required but will help us process your payment request more quickly.

Penn Marketplace Payment Registration Details

The following information is required in order to register you in the Penn Marketplace and process your payment. You should NOT attempt to register yourself.

Please provide any additional information or notes that you think will be useful or needed in processing your request.

Please add the following addresses to your email contacts and be sure to check your junk folder for important email notifications and alerts related to your request:

  • automation@app.smartsheet.com
  • DONOTREPLY@sciquest.com

We strongly encourage you to select the box below to receive a copy of your submitted response. You will NOT receive a separate email confirmation with your submitted information unless you select this box.

Please click the "submit" button when you are ready to submit your request.