The First Annual Survey of The Queensland 'Omics Node
The Queensland Omics Node mission is to increase the competitiveness of Queensland based biodiversity and biomedical researchers by:
• Deploying and operating new cutting-edge omics production technologies;
• Providing access to sophisticated bioinformatics tools and workflows;
• Upskilling researchers in the analysis of 'omics data; and
• Fostering research collaboration through broad engagement with university, government, and private sectors.
The purpose of the survey is to understand and log the needs of the community, and to identify how Bioplatforms Australia (BPA) and the Queensland ‘Omics Node could address required services. This survey will aim to identify the specific gaps and requirements in services, required analytical methods, and tools that potential users would like to see implemented within the Node.
There is an opportunity at the end of the survey to enter a prize draw to win a $100 JB Hi-Fi voucher. Competition is open to Queensland based researchers only.