Complaint Submission Form

Thank you for contacting us. Whenever possible, ACCET expects complainants and institutions to demonstrate genuine effort in resolving disputes directly, using the institution’s internal grievance procedures.

Therefore, all institutions are required to have a formal grievance procedure, which must be published in the institution’s catalog and posted on campus. If you were unsuccessful in resolving a dispute with an institution directly, you have the option to use this form to file a complaint against an ACCET-accredited institution.

ACCET reviews complaints and acknowledges its responsibility to provide both the complainant and the institution with a reasonable and impartial review. The process is further described in ACCET Document 49 -  Policy for Processing Complaints against ACCET Accredited Institutions.

If you have any questions about the ACCET complaint procedures, don't hesitate to contact us.

ACCET Complaint Review Committee

1722 N Street NW, Washington, DC 20036

Complainant Contact Information

Keep your identity anonymous from this school?*

Your name will be withheld from disclosure to the extent allowed by law. However, ACCET cannot guarantee that your identity may not be deduced based on the nature of your allegations.

School Information

(city, state)

Complaint Information

Caret IconCaret symbol
Have you tried to resolve the issue with the school, following the school's grievance policy?*

Whenever possible, ACCET expects complainants and institutions to demonstrate genuine effort in resolving disputes directly, using the institution’s internal grievance procedures.

Please provide a detailed narrative description of your attempt(s) to resolve the issue(s).

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