Salt Lake Valley Coalition to End Homelessness Membership Form

The Salt Lake Valley Coalition to End Homelessness’ primary goal is to end homelessness in Salt Lake Valley through a system-wide commitment of resources, services, data collection, analysis and coordination among all stakeholders. The Coalition gathers community consensus to create and fulfill established outcomes. Using these goals, the coalition partners with key stakeholders to fill the needs of the Salt Lake County/Valley community.

For more information on the structure of the Coalition, please visit our website at

Participation in the work of the Coalition is open to any agencies, organizations, and individuals with expertise or interest in rendering homelessness brief, rare, and non-recurring. Agencies may have one or more members from their organization participating. Membership should represent the entirety of Salt Lake Valley. Additional collaboration to improve the statewide homeless service system should also be reflected in the members.

The Salt Lake Valley Coalition to End Homelessness is committed to elevating the voices of those with lived expertise and strives to include the voices of all members of the community. Individuals should join the coalition and encourage others to do so with an intention of helping ensure the membership of the SLVCEH is more inclusive and diverse.

The Coalition was created based upon the following values:

-Fair, diverse representation of all related stakeholders, centered on inclusion.

-Continuity and flow of information to and from State to local level.

-Checks and balances exist throughout the system.

-Voices of participants with lived experience are present and meaningful.

-Trauma informed care is central to the actions of all stakeholders.

-Transparency in roles, responsibilities, decision making and membership are paramount.

The Coalition meets on a regular basis to discuss, review data, and make recommendations regarding homeless system issues. SLVCEH meetings take place the second Wednesday of every other month in February, April, June, August, October, December from 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM. The six Core Function Groups meet in the off months (Jan, March, May, July, September, November) at various times. Calendar invites will be emailed to members based on membership preferences indicated on this form.

To join the Coalition and subscribe to our newsletter, please complete the form on this page.

Member Contact Info

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Please review the following responsibilities of members:

(1) Promote a community wide goal of ending homelessness.

(2) Commit to the betterment of the entire system.

(3) Act as the conduit for sharing information with your organization and other stakeholders.

As a member, are you willing to commit to fulfill the responsibilities listed above?*

Code of Conduct

  • The Salt Lake Valley Coalition to End Homelessness works to ensure that diverse voices are included as speakers, attendees, and members in all of our meetings and functions. All voices are welcome.
  • The Coalition has zero-tolerance for any form of discrimination or abusive behavior and is committed to ensuring that all of its meetings and events are safe and respectful for all participants.
  • Attendees acknowledge that any form of discrimination, violence, or abusive behavior may result in microphone muting or removal from a meeting or event, depending on the situation.
  • If any discrimination is witnessed or experienced during this meeting, or if you feel unsafe, please notify any member of the Steering Committee or support staff.
  • The SLVCEH strives to create a diverse, inclusive, accepting, and safe space for everyone.

As a member, are you willing to abide by the Code of Conduct detailed above?*

Core Function Groups

The Core Function Groups are comprised of stakeholder members who provide services or expertise related to the core function. Members may serve on more than one Core Function Groups, which meet every other month (on the off month of the Coalition meeting) to provide input regarding homeless system issues.

Members of the Core Function Groups represent all aspects of the Salt Lake Valley homeless service system, with a goal to end homelessness in all its forms throughout Salt Lake Valley. This will be accomplished through community consensus, partnerships, cooperation and a shared vision of ending homelessness as quickly as possible.

Please review the Core Functions in the list below and select the areas that best fit for you. While you may select more than one core function, please note that your time commitment increases for each core function you plan to participate in.

Would you like to be on a mailing list for funding opportunities?*

Please click submit to officially join the Coalition!

By submitting this membership form you are demonstrating your commitment to ending homelessness by attending regular Coalition meetings and contributing your expertise.

Thank you for your membership!