Mississippi Immunization Information eXchange (MIIX) User Agreement

To participate in the Mississippi Immunization Information eXchange (MIIX) Please complete the following information for all staff within your facility who will need access to MS Immunization Information eXchange (MIIX). A user ID and Password will be assigned and emailed to each user. An additional email will be sent with the initial password that will need to be changed once the system is accessed.

If there is an Organizational or Facility name or ownership change, please reach out to our office at 601-576-7751, Option 5.

Facility Type*
VFC Provider?
Caret IconCaret symbol
COVID Provider?
Caret IconCaret symbol
Does your facility administer vaccines?*

Public or Privately funded vaccine

As a condition of participation in MIIX*

As a condition of participating in MIIX the above Facility enters into this agreement with the Mississippi State Department of Health, and agrees to the following: ◆ To use MIIX only for the immunization needs of patients. The Facility and its personnel will access the immunization information system only when needed to assure adequate immunization of a patient, to avoid unnecessary immunizations, to confirm compliance with mandatory immunization requirements, to control disease outbreaks, and to offer recommended vaccines based on ACIP or CDC recommendations. ◆ All Facility personnel that will use MIIX must be assigned User IDs and Passwords by the MIIX Team, and must acknowledge this MIIX “User Agreement.” When an authorized user leaves this Facility, the Facility Manager, Administrator or authorized designee must complete the Remove User form within three (3) days of that employee’s last day of employment. ◆ If the Facility and/or its personnel violate this agreement or use the system in an unauthorized manner, the Mississippi State Department of Health reserves the right to terminate access to the system. ◆ The Facility agrees that it will safeguard its User IDs and Passwords against use other than that allowed by this agreement. ◆ The Facility understands that unauthorized disclosure of confidential information may result in legal penalties. The Facility is responsible for the actions of its staff regarding the confidentiality of information contained in the immunization information system. Each user will be sent an email that outlines these conditions of participation when they are issued a User ID and Password. ◆ The Facility agrees to furnish MIIX specified demographic and immunization information about patients receiving immunizations. The Facility shall submit information to MIIX promptly, striving for submission within twenty-four hours after the vaccine was administered. Selecting "I Agree" below signifies agreement to be a participating Facility and a MIIX authorized user.

Acknowledge the following*

I Acknowledge the following below for all users my organization is requesting access: ◆ He/she agrees to abide by this MS Immunization Information eXchange “User Agreement” by only sharing the information provided with those parties requesting immunization records with legal rights to said records. ◆ He/she agrees to abide by the MSDH Immunization Manual and any applicable federal and/or state laws, policies and regulations (e.g., HIPAA) as it relates to security, privacy and management of immunization data and records. ◆ Information contained can only be used for those purposes outlined in this “User Agreement.” ◆ Each user is responsible for the safeguard of his/her User ID and Password. ◆ User IDs and/or Passwords must not be given to any unauthorized user. ◆ User IDs and Passwords should not be posted in a public area.

Please add user information below.

Access Level*

Ordering/Inventory - Allows users to add administration data and/or order/reconcile vaccine request (if a MSDH Provider)

Document Vaccine Administration - Allows users to add administration data only.

Read Only - Allows users view MIIX for informational purposes only. If your facility does not administer vaccine you may only be eligible for Read Only Access.

Reset Password - Request password reset for staff that are registered as users for your Org/Facility.

Add a second user?
Access Level 2*

Ordering/Inventory - Allows users to add administration data and/or order/reconcile vaccine request (if a MSDH Provider)

Document Vaccine Administration - Allows users to add administration data only.

Read Only - Allows users view MIIX for informational purposes only. If your facility does not administer vaccine you may only be eligible for Read Only Access.

Reset Password - Request password reset for staff that are registered as users for your Org/Facility.

Add a third user?
Access Level 3*

Ordering/Inventory - Allows users to add administration data and/or order/reconcile vaccine request (if a MSDH Provider)

Document Vaccine Administration - Allows users to add administration data only.

Read Only - Allows users view MIIX for informational purposes only. If your facility does not administer vaccine you may only be eligible for Read Only Access.

Reset Password - Request password reset for staff that are registered as users for your Org/Facility.

Add a fourth user?
Access Level 4*

Ordering/Inventory - Allows users to add administration data and/or order/reconcile vaccine request (if a MSDH Provider)

Document Vaccine Administration - Allows users to add administration data only.

Read Only - Allows users view MIIX for informational purposes only. If your facility does not administer vaccine, you may only be eligible for Read Only Access.

Reset Password - Request password reset for staff that are registered as users for your Org/Facility.

Add a fifth user?
Access Level 5*

Ordering/Inventory - Allows users to add administration data and/or order/reconcile vaccine request (if a MSDH Provider)

Document Vaccine Administration - Allows users to add administration data only.

Read Only - Allows users view MIIX for informational purposes only. If your facility does not administer vaccine, you may only be eligible for Read Only Access.

Reset Password - Request password reset for staff that are registered as users for your Org/Facility.

Add a sixth user?
Access Level 6*

Ordering/Inventory - Allows users to add administration data and/or order/reconcile vaccine request (if a MSDH Provider)

Document Vaccine Administration - Allows users to add administration data only.

Read Only - Allows users view MIIX for informational purposes only. If your facility does not administer vaccine, you may only be eligible for Read Only Access.

Reset Password - Request password reset for staff that are registered as users for your Org/Facility.

Add a seventh user?
Access Level 7*

Ordering/Inventory - Allows users to add administration data and/or order/reconcile vaccine request (if a MSDH Provider)

Document Vaccine Administration - Allows users to add administration data only.

Read Only - Allows users view MIIX for informational purposes only. If your facility does not administer vaccine, you may only be eligible for Read Only Access.

Reset Password - Request password reset for staff that are registered as users for your Org/Facility.

Add an eighth user?
Access Level 8*

Ordering/Inventory - Allows users to add administration data and/or order/reconcile vaccine request (if a MSDH Provider)

Document Vaccine Administration - Allows users to add administration data only.

Read Only - Allows users view MIIX for informational purposes only. If your facility does not administer vaccine, you may only be eligible for Read Only Access.

Reset Password - Request password reset for staff that are registered as users for your Org/Facility.

Add a ninth user?
Access Level 9*

Ordering/Inventory - Allows users to add administration data and/or order/reconcile vaccine request (if a MSDH Provider)

Document Vaccine Administration - Allows users to add administration data only.

Read Only - Allows users view MIIX for informational purposes only. If your facility does not administer vaccine, you may only be eligible for Read Only Access.

Reset Password - Request password reset for staff that are registered as users for your Org/Facility.

Add a tenth user?
Access Level 10*

Ordering/Inventory - Allows users to add administration data and/or order/reconcile vaccine request (if a MSDH Provider)

Document Vaccine Administration - Allows users to add administration data only.

Read Only - Allows users view MIIX for informational purposes only. If your facility does not administer vaccine, you may only be eligible for Read Only Access.

Reset Password - Request password reset for staff that are registered as users for your Org/Facility.

Select "Please send me a copy of my responses" below.

Have each user requested sign a copy and keep on file.