Office of Academic Reinstatement


Applications will be reviewed in October and March for Advising.

The deadline for Fall 2025 Reinstatement applications will be Thursday, August 7th. All application received after this day will be processed for Spring 2026. No exceptions.

Please send all supporting documentation to:

Additional information can be found on our Academic Reinstatement webpage.

Application Instructions

Please complete this application thoroughly and thoughtfully. Your application must include: 1) This application, 2) Typed personal statement, 3) Supporting documents (if applicable), and 4) Processing fee.


Select an option to read description.

Explanation of Rule 38

(a) Undergraduate students whose semester (excluding summer session) or cumulative grade point average drops below a 2.0 for the first time must apply for reinstatement to continue their enrollment at Washington State University. Students are placed on academic probation after reinstatement. Certified majors on academic probation may be decertified by the academic department. (b) First-time, first-year undergraduate students are recessed from the University after their first term of enrollment if their semester grade point average is below 1.0. Individuals are recessed from the university for one full semester (Fall or Spring). To reenroll for courses offered through any WSU campus students must apply for reinstatement. Recessed individuals may not seek status as a non-degree seeking student. Recessed students may enroll in summer session.

Appeal of Academic Suspension

Students may appeal an Academic Suspension in cases where there are compelling and documented circumstances. If the appeal is approved, the student may return to the university without sitting out a semester upon reinstatement.

Explanation of Rule 39

Undergraduate students are dismissed from the university after the third semester (excluding summer session) in which the cumulative grade point average is below 2.0. Individuals who are dismissed from the university may not enroll in courses at WSU, including online and courses on any WSU campus, for two full academic semesters. Dismissed individuals will also not be able to seek status as a “non-degree seeking student.”

Explanation of Rule 40

Former students may seek reinstatement after two semesters by completing the academic reinstatement petition process. Former students petitioning for academic reinstatement must, as part of the reinstatement petition process, provide documentation that demonstrates potential for academic success at WSU. If seeking reinstatement after more than two semesters, former students must also apply for readmission to the university through the Office of Admissions. All academic coursework from other institutions completed during dismissed status must be documented and official transcripts submitted to the Office of Admissions.

Explanation of Rule 41

An undergraduate student who has been reinstated after becoming deficient under Rule 38 or 39 will be on academic probation. The specific conditions of enrollment for students who are on official probation will be determined by the interviewer or Review Board. Students on probation who fail to comply with the conditions of their probationary enrollment will be dismissed from the University.

Explanation of Rule 43

Former WSU students, dismissed under any academic deficiency rule, who have not been enrolled at WSU for four years or more may request at the time that they apply for readmission and reinstatement that all previous WSU work be disregarded. This includes all credits and grade points earned. Once the student is officially enrolled following the first day of the term, the student’s transcript will be marked to indicate that the previous work is not considered as credit earned. After the subsequent completion of 15 semester hours of course work with a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher at WSU, the prior credits earned in courses graded C or better will be restored. Only the courses and credit, not grades or grade points, will be restored. Requests for reinstatement for former WSU students will be considered by the Review Board in the Academic Success and Career Center on the Pullman campus, WSU Online, or designated office on other campuses.

Student Information

Student Status*
Last Advisor*
Last term enrolled at WSU*
Reinstatement Application for:*

Other Institutions

If you were enrolled at another institution while attending WSU, please list below. Complete and official transcripts must be received before a final decision will be made by the Office of Reinstatement.

Personal Statement

Your personal statement is crucial in considering your application for reinstatement to the University. Without a complete and thorough personal statement, it will not be possible to give your application complete consideration. Refer to Tips & Guidelines for writing your personal statement at: HANDWRITTEN PERSONAL STATEMENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

Please respond to each of the following questions, as they apply. 1. Why were you academically deficient in your last semester at WSU? 2. What is your plan to be successful in future semesters? 3. Talk about the major you are planning to pursue and give an understanding of your major requirements. 4. If you are close to graduating, discuss your future goals and how they relate to your future.

Reinstatement Application Process & Fee

By checking the box below, I agree to all of the following: •    I certify that the information provided on this application is complete, true, and accurate. •    I authorize WSU to communicate with me through e-mail regarding reinstatement. •    I understand that the reinstatement application processing fee does NOT guarantee that I will be reinstated. •    I understand I am required to pay a nonrefundable Reinstatement Application Processing Fee. •    I understand payment is non-refundable and non-transferable. Application Fee: All Application are $75.00. Payments can be made in person at the Cashier’s Office in Floyd 269 or by mail. Checks and money orders must be made out to “Washington State University.” CREDIT CARDS NOT ACCEPTED AT THIS TIME. CASH OR CHECK ONLY PLEASE. For questions regarding payment, please call the Cashier's Office at 509-372-7498.

If you would like to request that the fee be waived due to economic hardship, please check this box and provide a brief explanation below.

Supporting Documentation

Drag and drop files here or