Using Creative Cloud to Foster Digital Literacies

We are soliciting proposals from faculty and staff for projects and efforts that leverage Adobe Creative Cloud that can be piloted in Spring 2021. Please read the detailed call for proposals for more information. Complete the form below to submit your proposal.

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Please provide a brief description (250 words) of your proposal, including how the proposal aligns to the goals outlined in the CFP.

Please list the objectives of the proposal (project objectives and/or student learning objectives as appropriate).

Please briefly describe your plan to implement the proposed effort in Spring 2021, including identifying any resources beyond funding needed (such as training, tutorials, space, etc).

Please briefly define your success criteria and how you plan to evaluate the proposed effort.

Please indicate how much funding you are requesting, and how the funds will be used.


Please review the expectations below and proceed only if you can agree to the terms.

I understand that if selected, I am expected to participate in a kickoff meeting before the start of the Spring semester, implement the proposal as fully as possible in Spring 2021, deliver a brief presentation (10 minutes) in May 2021, and submit a final report (1 page form) by June 2021.

I understand that, if selected, I must provide a campus point of contact and chartfield string information for funds transfer from the CO.