Innovations Waiver Registry of Unmet Needs
NC Innovations Waiver is a Home and Community Based benefit plan to support persons with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) to maximize their potential in their natural community settings as an alternative to institutional settings. At the current time, there is no additional Waiver funding available. This application can be completed in order to be considered for the Registry of Unmet Needs (waitlist) for Innovations Waiver services.
To be considered for the Registry of Unmet Needs for Innovations Waiver Funding the following information must be submitted:
If it is determined that the individual is not an appropriate referral - because the information provided indicates that the person likely does not meet criteria for participation in the Innovation Waiver - he/she will not be added to the Registry of Unmet Needs. You will receive written notification about the decision.
If you have questions about the application process and/or a paper copy of the application is needed, please call Trillium Health Resources at 1-866-998-2597
Intellectual/Developmental Disability or Related Medical Condition.
*A Psychological Evaluation or documentation from a physician is required to support a member's IDD diagnosis.
If none, enter N/A
Please include a copy of guardianship document, if applicable.
Check all that apply
For example: personal assistance, respite, Medicaid personal care, CAP DA services, CAP C services, adult day program, supported employment, etc.
Please specify in detail.