Advice to FENSA of a Change to your Entity.

This form is to be completed by the FENSA Approved Installer when their entity status has changed. Please provide the following to ensure a smooth transition of your FENSA membership to your new Company entity type.

Who do FENSA currently know you as?

What have you changed your Name to?

What was the change that took place?*

Do you already have a Companies House Number?*

Only applicable if you did not previously have a Companies House number or your Companies House number has changed or is new.

If you are changing to a legal entity that does not have a Companies House Number, please note the type. eg Sole Trader

Have you changed your address?
Have any of your contact details changed?*
Have your bank details changed for your new entity?*

- Public Liability Policy

- Employee Liability Policy

- IBG Provider Membership certificate

- Copy of your consumer Contract

- Consumer Guarantee

Drag and drop files here or

If you have changes to your address or contact details please advise us of the new details here so we can update our records.


  • The information provided above is true and accurate.
  • I am authorised to notify FENSA of this change to the legal entity currently approved by FENSA
  • The new legal entity agrees to fulfil all guarantee matters that arises from work completed by the old legal entity.
  • Agree that all new contracts will written be between the consumer and the new legal entity.
  • FENSA branding will only be used by the new legal entity noted above
  • All installations register with FENSA under the ID noted above are the responsibility of this new legal entity.
  • I understand the severity and consequences of misleading consumers using the FENSA brand.