SLVCEH YHDP Request for Proposal Information
Salt Lake Valley Coalition to End Homelessness (SLVCEH) is seeking proposals from nonprofit service providers and governmental agencies to implement projects to serve unaccompanied homeless youth, age 25 and younger in support of SLCo CCP to Prevent and End Youth Homelessness, under the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP), funded by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Applications shall only be considered from project applicants in good standing with the state and federal government, which means that the applicant does not have any open monitoring or audit findings, history of slow expenditure of grant funds, outstanding obligation to the government that is in arrears or for which a payment schedule has not been agreed upon, or history of serving ineligible program participants, expending funds on ineligible costs, or failing to expend funds within statutorily established timeframes.
SLVCEH is seeking applicants from eligible organizations to implement four (4) different project types approved by local YHDP leadership to address a critical resource need to address youth homelessness in Salt Lake County.
- Joint Transitional Housing and Rapid Rehousing
- Rapid Rehousing
- Permanent Supportive Housing
- Permanent Housing
An applicant may apply in partnership with one or more other organizations. Joint applications should submit an MOU reflecting the role of project partners and specify funding for each organization in the detailed budget. Collaboration is always encouraged.
Additional information about this funding opportunity is available here: