Paid Parental Leave - Intake

UNM recognizes that supporting employees as they balance career, childbirth, and family life ultimately benefits the university and promotes overall health. UNM offers eligible employees up to 160 hours of paid parental leave following the birth or adoption of a child who has recently joined the household or placement of foster child(ren) who will be under your care for a minimum of six (6) months. This paid parental leave is available to eligible employees who have been employed by the University in a regular benefit eligible position for twelve (12) continuous months prior to the qualifying event.

Unless extenuating circumstances exist, requests for paid parental leave must be submitted to Human Resources at least thirty (30) to sixty (60) days before the leave is expected to begin. The leave need not be continuous but must be taken within twelve (12) months of the birth or adoption or foster placement of the child(ren). For more information, visit

All Paid Parental Leave received by an employee will count toward the employee's Family Medical Leave (FML) entitlement if the employee is eligible for FML. If Paid Parental Leave is denied, an employee may still be eligible for unpaid time under FML; refer to UAP 3440: Family and Medical Leave. Employees may also take annual leave, sick leave, or unpaid FML for additional time off - refer to UAP 3400: Annual Leave and UAP 3410: Sick Leave.