Request for Replacement Diploma

There is a $25 fee to replace your diploma and it will be mailed to the exact address provided. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.

Pay by: Cash, Check, Money Order or Credit Card.

Receive a completed Receipt from the Business Office.

Return this completed form and Receipt of payment to the Admissions Office.

Grayson College

Office of Admissions & Records

6101 Grayson Dr.

Denison, TX 75020

Please enter your name EXACTLY as you would like it to appear on your diploma.

Please enter your name EXACTLY as you would like it to appear on your diploma (must be your legal name)


**Reminder: There is a $25 fee for EACH replacement requested**

How would you like to receive your Diploma? *

Please attach a copy of your receipt as proof of payment. If the fee has been waived from the graduation office, please attach the email verifying that no payment is necessary.

Drag and drop files here or