Most Improved Chapter Award- 2024
This award is designed to recognize chapters that have shown marked improvement since the previous year.
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: This application contains two parts.
- Part 1 (to be written by chapter members): Describe in an essay of 500 words or fewer the positive accomplishments of the chapter for the year.
- Part 2 (to be written by a chapter advisor): Explain in a letter how the chapter has improved this year as compared to the previous year(s).
NOTE: Chapters that received any of the following recognitions in 2023 are ineligible for this award: Top Texas Chapters, Regional Milestone Award, Continued Excellence Award, Most Distinguished Chapter, Honors in Action Project Award or College Project Award. The chapter is not required to be a 5-Star Chapter. All entries must be submitted by Friday, January 26, 20224 at 11:59 PM CST.