Transfer Credit Form

This form is to be completed for EACH class you are seeking course approval. Please be sure to submit all required documentation with this form (there is a location for file upload below). Your form WILL NOT be reviewed without ALL required documentation: course syllabus, course description, lab description, university academic calendar, and the course catalog page that contains the days, times, location and instruction mode.

A copy of your form will be automatically send to your academic dean and the DUS of department listed below for review. You will also have the option to send yourself a copy of your form via email at the end of the form. Your academic dean will email you directly about the final decision after they confirm with the DUS. When you complete the course please arrange to have a transcript from the institution attend sent directly to your academic dean.

NOTE TO STUDENT: Students who are on academic dismissal are able to take institutional credits in their permanent place of residence (i.e. within the US or student's home country), if they DO NOT have any outstanding incompletes. If you are taking a course outside of the US, Global Education will need to provide initial approval, then the Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) (or department) and your dean will check all requirements, give final approval and process it in accordance with established procedures.

Your Student ID is a seven digit number that typically starts with a "2". You can find it in DukeHub under "My Profile" section under General Information. It will be listed in the row immediately under your preferred name.

Academic Dean*
University Status*

Please provide information about your status with the university when you will be taking this class.

(Note: The institution must be accredited and grant at least an AB/BS/BSE degree or equivalent. Community colleges are NOT approved for transfer course credit)

International Institution*

Are you seeking transfer credit from an international situation?

Do you have citizenship in the country you are seeking transfer credit approval?

Caret IconCaret symbol

Please provide city and state

Example Summer 2025, Fall 2025, etc.

The more detail provided the better, please see examples below

Tuesdays and Thursday 9-10:00 am OR Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday 6-8:30 pm

If you have a lab please list separately and label

Example Lab Mondays 9:30-12:00pm

Where would this class live at Duke? This is the department who would approve this class (regardless of your major). If you are taking a math class, the Duke Math department will review the course, for example.

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

Example: Physics, Math, Computer Science, Dance, etc.

N/A if it is not a lab course

Method of Instruction*

The university only allows in-person classes to be approved for transfer credit.

Course Type*

Please enter the number of credits assigned to the course, including the lab credit, if applicable. Include how the credit at the institution is calculated.


3-4 semester hours = 1 Duke credit

5-6 quarter hours = 1 Duke credit

Please enter the number and type of credits assigned to the course, including lab credit, if applicable.

semester hours (3-4 semester hours equates to 1cc at Duke) quarter/trimester hour (5-6 quarter hours equates to 1cc at Duke)

Please Include Title, Author(s), Publisher and Edition

Please upload the following items

(1) Course syllabus

(2) Lab Syllabus

(3) Course calendar

(4) Lab description

(5) Course description

(6) University academic calendar

(7) Course catalog page that contains the days, times, location and instruction mode of the course


Drag and drop files here or
Major Requirement*

Are you hoping to get credit for this course as a major requirement?

Please list the Duke equivalent course for this request.

Example: MATH 353, PHYSICS 152

Duke Area of Knowledge*

Note: Courses transferring as specific Duke courses have the same Area of Knowledge codes as that of the Duke course. An AOK assigned by the DUS via this form applies only if this course has no Duke equivalent (i.e., is awarded generic credit for Subject 100 or Subject 300.)

Foreign Language

Are you seeking foreign language credit?

Confirmation of the Submission of Required Documentation*

By clicking on the button below you acknowledge that you submitted ALL of the required documents outlined above.

(1) Course syllabus

(2) Course calendar

(3) Lab description

(4) Course description

(5) University academic calendar

(6) Course catalog page that contains the days, times, location and instruction mode of the course

I understand that if I do not submit all elements of the required documentation, my form will NOT be reviewed by my academic dean or the department.

If you need help or have questions, please reach out to your academic dean BEFORE submitting this form.

I confirm that I submitted ALL of the required documentation.

You have selected online or hybrid class. This class will not be approved for transfer credit. Please look for another class that is offered in person.