Center for Diversity and Inclusion

Presentation Request Form

Please complete this form if there is interest from a student organization or university department in receiving a presentation from the Center for Diversity & Inclusion. The audience for these requests should be undergraduate or graduate students.

Expected Timeline

  • 4 weeks before presentation date - complete this form
  • Within 5 days of request - meet with CDI representative for consultation

We will do our best to accommodate your request; however, due to the large number of submissions, we may not have staff capacity to approve all requests at this time.

Our primary audience for these offered presentations are students. If your requesting a presentation for primarily faculty and staff, visit the Office of Diversity and Inclusion website:

Please do not request Safe Zone training with this request form. If you want to sign-up for Safe Zone trainings, visit the Gender & Sexuality Resources website:

Please provide context, for example, was there an event or complaint that prompted this request?

Are you interested in a virtual or in-person presentation?*

We have several presentations that are only facilitated in-person due to the content and delivery expectations.

We strive to provide intentional and quality presentations, this means we cap our attendees to 75. If your request has more than 75, we are unable to accommodate.

Offered Presentations

An overview of CDI will always be included at the conclusion of these presentations.

  • Identity & Allyship (60 mins): Explore introductory levels of social identity and allyship through definitions and interactive activities.

  • Science (STEM) Identity (75 mins): Explore introductory levels of social and science identities through definitions and interactive activities.

  • Identity & Cultural Humility (60 mins): Explore introductory levels of social identity and cultural humility through definitions and interactive activities.

  • Train the Trainer (90 mins): Train undergraduate or graduate level students on how to have a conversation with their peers through exploration of their social identity as a lens and introductory level facilitation skills through definitions and application.

  • Introduction to Religious & Spiritual Life (30 mins): This workshop will provide a brief overview of Religious & Spiritual Life (RSL), a description of the role of a university chaplain, and some ways to get connected with our office such as the Interfaith Council. We will also include a short mindfulness exercise.

  • (Offered only in the SPRING 2025) Living my best life: Identity exploration towards fulfillment (45 mins-1 hr): This session will focus on helping students reflect on the different ways they can explore their identity to live their best life. We will explore this through reflection, storytelling, observations, and discussions.

  • (Offered only in the SPRING 2025) Professionalism with YOU in mind: Exploring professionalism in workspaces (45 mins-1 hr): Let's talk about professionalism. The 5 W's & How of Professionalism: What is it/expected, Who does it, Where does it come from, When should I do it, Why do it, and how do I do it/can we define it for myself - ALL while considering who you are while doing it.

  • Disability & Allyship (30-60 mins): This entry-level training will allow attendees to explore disability at Hopkins, begin to understand Disability Culture, and provide helpful "do's and dont's" for avoiding ableism in classroom and recreational setting.

  • Adapted SafeZone Training (180+ mins):

Which of the following presentations interest your group?*

Note: We only present to groups during regular work hours (M-F)

Please select which block of time works best for your group. Note: We only present to groups during the following business hours for at least 60 minutes of presentation time between M-F 10 AM - 6 PM.

Note: The requesting persons are responsible for reserving the venue for the presentation.

What's Next

A few things to note:

  1. You are required to attend an intake meeting with the presenter to formalize the plan
  2. You are responsible for reserving the room
  3. You are responsible for A/V requests
  4. You are responsible for all marketing and managing student registrations including reminder emails