Community Gathering Proposal Form

Please use the below form to submit your proposal for a 2026 SACNAS Chapter Community Gathering.

Important dates:

  • Proposals for Spring 2026 are due July 30, 2025
  • Proposals will be reviewed by September 15, 2025

For any questions, please visit or email

Host Information

Please follow this convention:

[insert area] Chapter Community Gathering - Hosted by [insert host chapter name]

Example: New England Chapter Community Gathering - Hosted by Brown University

Please enter date to the best of your ability

200 word limit

Address, City, State, Zip Code

Attach a host institution letter of support from an institutional / organizational official (not to exceed 1 page) in the attachments section at the bottom of this application; the letter should address how the host institution / organization will provide financial support for the Chapter Gathering.

Please list collaborating SACNAS Chapters or Individual Members at different institutions that will be involved in your event

Attach a letter of support for each of your collaborating chapters in the attachments section at the bottom of this application

Proposed Dates & Format

Provide 3 proposed dates for your event. Please note: Community Gatherings must occur between January to April of the following year from when you are applying, and cannot conflict with SACNAS National Office events.

Select or enter value
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of the space you plan to host your event. If unknown, please enter "N/A"

Enter the number or range of expected attendees

Organizing Committee & Primary Point Person

Please list all organizing committee members, their emails, and identify the organizing committee chair.

First & Last Name of the primary person who will communicate with SACNAS National Office regarding this event.


Address, City, State, Zip Code

Attach a copy of the point person's CV/Resume in the attachments section at the bottom of this application

Select or enter value
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Please describe the organizing committee plan, including the committee meeting schedule, duration of meetings, and any key dates for preparation of the gathering.

Inclusion & Belonging

1,000 word limit

1,000 word limit

1,000 word limit

SACNAS believes in community gatherings that are inclusive, supportive, and free from any forms of harassment or discrimination. SACNAS values and respects the rights and privileges of others and asks that all organizers and participants of the Community Gathering honor SACNAS’ mission and vision through compliance with Code of Conduct, as defined here. By checking the box below, event organizers agree to ensure that all community gathering participants agree to and acknowledge the code of conduct during the registration process.

Your draft agenda should include potential themes, and not exceed 1 page.


Budget & Partnerships

The questions below will help the SACNAS office be aware of contributions by other companies or organizations to ensure coordination and to avoid asking, the same company or organization already contributing to SACNAS, for additional support. Organizations or companies agreeing to provide funds to support the gathering will work directly with the host organization leading the gathering.

Select or enter value
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List organizations or companies you plan to contact (if any) for partnership in funding your event.

List any organizations or companies you have already contacted for partnership in funding your event.

Select or enter value
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1,000 word limit

Attach an estimated budget that includes funding sources AND expenses, in the attachments section at the bottom of this application


Are attendees expected to pay registration fees?*

Accommodations & Safety

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500 word limit

500 word limit

500 word limit

Select or enter value
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Select or enter value
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Training can be provided by SACNAS or host institution

Advertising, Branding, & Marketing

Describe your plan to advertise your community gathering

Please specify the website platform/host you plan to use or enter "N/A" if unknown or not applicable

  • Screenshot/preview of event website
  • Draft designs of any SACNAS-branded materials or merchandise that will be sold at event

Evaluation & Post-Event

  • Final costs of your event (total $)
  • Final partner/sponsor list including name of institution/company and amount ($) contributed, both financial and other forms of support from partners
  • List of participants including full name and email address
  • Evaluation results


Please ensure you upload the following as PDFs. (Note: Other formats such as word documents will not be reviewed):

  • Letter of support from host institution
  • Letter(s) of support from collaborating chapters
  • Primary Point Person CV/Resume
  • Budget (including funding support and expenses)
  • Proof of harassment and discrimination training completion

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