ARA Member Contact Info Form
Stay Informed with ARA Communications
As you know, ARA works everyday on your behalf. We want to be sure that you and your team are receiving the relevant information in a timely manner.
We are currently updating our database to make this easier for everyone, but we need your help. We are seeking details for key personnel that benefit from ARA information and services, like VPs, CFO, HR, EHS and retail location managers. This will also allow each member your team access to the ARA Member Resource Library – the dashboard for documents, resources and other members-only content.
ARA does not share contact information; it is for internal association communication only.
Fill in the fields below for each member company employee you think would benefit from receiving ARA communications such as the biweekly Retailer Fact$ enewsletter and the Member Alerts with urgent information and new changes.
Donnie Taylor
Senior Vice President of Membership & Corporate Relations
(202) 595-1725 |
Andrea Mowers
Manager of Communications and Member Engagement
(202) 595-1729 |