We are here to help you.

If you are currently registered as a graduate student at the University of Maryland College Park, we require that you complete this intake form to request an appointment for the following services:

  • Legal consultation with our attorney - click here to see matters that we can and cannot address
  • University charge and Title IX consultations with an advocate - click here to see how we can assist you
  • Notary services - click here for details

This form is not for:

Your responses to this form are secure and confidential. Legal Aid is a confidential resource as designated by the University of Maryland, and you are protected by attorney-client privilege.

Our staff will review your submission and reply with an invitation to schedule an appointment or other resources/referrals. If you have any questions, please email, or call us at 301-405-5807.

Finally, we operate a part-time office, and we make every effort to respond to requests and inquiries as quickly as possible. Our office hours are: Mon: 11am - 5pm, Tue: 9am -3pm, Wed: 9am - 5pm, and Thur: 9am - 3pm. We are closed on Fridays and when UMCP closes for holidays or inclement weather.

This form is only for requesting your first appointment for a new issue.

If you need to follow up on a previous issue discussed with our staff, please use the scheduling link that was sent to you for your initial appointment. If you cannot locate the link, please email us at to request a new one.

If you have a new concern or issue that you haven't discussed with our staff before, please fill out this form.

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Graduate students who are currently registered at UMD-CP are eligible for this service. We will verify your status with the Registrar's Office.

ie. May 2026

Please use the SAME email address in all communications with our office.

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Our attorney is barred in Maryland and Washington DC. If your issue occurred in another state they will be unable to advise you on the specific law relevant to your case; however, they may be able to provide general legal information regarding your issue.

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As stated earlier, your responses to this form are secure and confidential. Legal Aid is a confidential resource as designated by the University of Maryland, and you are protected by attorney-client privilege.

PAUSE HERE to complete this Authorization form required by the Office of Student Conduct (OSC). DO NOT SKIP THIS IMPORTANT STEP.

Click here for the Authorization to Release Confidential Information form, complete it, and upload it in the next field. We will submit the completed form to OSC as it gives them permission to release your case file to us. We will review your file to fully understand your case.

Remember to return here to finish and submit this form.

NOTE: The Authorization form linked above is intended to be opened with Adobe Acrobat. Adobe Acrobat is available for students for free through TerpWare. Once Acrobat is installed, open the Disclosure Form, click "Tools", and then select the "Fill & Sign" tool. When the tool opens, click the "Sign" button and add your signature. Finally, click on the signature line of the form to place your signature on the form.

Upload documents pertinent to your case, ie. lease, OSC release form, contract, traffic citation, correspondence, photos, etc. We cannot review documents shared via Google Drive.

Drag and drop files here or

DISCLOSURE: Please read the following section that pertains to your request.

Legal Cases: I acknowledge that if I proceed with obtaining legal advice and counsel from the Attorney, the scope of the relationship will be limited to the provision of legal advice and counsel. I acknowledge and agree that the Attorney has no duty to and will not represent me in any outside forum, including court or University proceedings. I agree to knowingly and voluntarily obtain advice and counsel with this mind. I understand that the issues must be personal in nature.

Graduate Student Legal Aid cannot provide assistance in cases where the opposing party is the University of Maryland College Park or another University of Maryland College Park graduate student. Consultation in those matters are deemed a conflict of interest.

University Charge & Title IX Cases: I acknowledge that if I proceed with obtaining information and advice from a Legal Aid Advocate, I agree to provide accurate, complete, and truthful information.

Notary Services: I will provide my UID and government issued identification for the notary service. An expired government ID will not be accepted.

All Cases: Students who submit this form will be added to Grad Legal Aid's weekly Briefing distribution list. If you wish to unsubscribe, please click on "Opt Out" at the bottom of the email.

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Type your full name below in lieu of your signature.