DC Film, Television and Entertainment Rebate Fund Application (Fiscal Year 2025)

The DC Office of Cable Television, Film, Music and Entertainment (“OCTFME”) is currently accepting DC Film, Television and Entertainment Rebate Fund (“Rebate Fund”) applications for fiscal year 2025. Fiscal year 2024 begins October 1, 2024 and ends September 30, 2025.

If you are contemplating completing DC Rebate Fund qualifying activity in the jurisdiction of the District of Columbia during fiscal year 2024 and would like the project to be considered for program pre-certification, complete the form below and upload all required support documentation to begin the application review process.

Applications are reviewed on a first come, first served basis. The application should be submitted before the start of qualifying production activity. If the application is not submitted before the beginning of qualifying production activity the application could be disqualified. If you have any questions about the the timing of your application and if the application submission date is in compliance with the DC Rebate Fund statute (§ 2–1204.11), you should contact the DC Rebate Fund administrative team at the email address provided below for guidance.

Before completing the application, please review the program rules and qualifying requirements at the DC Rebate Fund webpage. If you have any questions about the application, the review process, or what production or infrastructure expenditure qualify for rebates through this program, you can contact the program administrative team at filmdc.incentive@dc.gov.

Thank you for your interest in filming in the DC Film, Television and Entertainment Rebate Fund.


Below identify the name of the company or corporate entity that would receive the rebate award if the project were accepted into the program.

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Provide a brief summary or logline of the project's storyline and subject matter.

Corporate structure of the entity that would receive the rebate if the project were accepted into the program

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Select or enter value
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If corporate entity is not incorporated in the United States, check "other" and identify country and any applicable region or province below.

Point of contact authorized to submit this application.


If different than the 'authorized point of contact', name of "responsible party" or corporate officer authorized to sign and execute program documents. All formal program documentation will be addressed to this officer.


If different than applicant company please list parent company or corporate entity that will distribute the content, if applicable.

If different than points of contact listed above please add information for parent company or distributor contact.



In order to qualify for DC Rebate Fund consideration, the project must be fully funded and financed. Any project that is still seeking all or part of principal photography financing should wait until the project is fully funded and ready for production until completing and submitting this application.

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If "no" or "partial," what is the status of the financing of the project?

If "no" or "partial," what is the estimated percentage of the project is currently financed?

Is distribution for the project in place?

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If "no" and the project currently does not have distribution in place and will seek distribution after completion, please describe briefly plans to secure distribution once project is completed.

If distribution platform(s) are currently in place or contemplated, check all below that apply.

Select or enter value
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If "other" selected, please describe distribution platform if note listed on dropdown options above, or describe contemplated platforms for distribution if distribution arrangement is not yet in place.

List other locations/jurisdictions outside of the District of Columbia the project has filmed or is scheduled to film.

If not accepted into the DC Rebate Fund, what is the likelihood the project would film all or part of the project in the District of Columbia?

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Please enter below the current best estimate of each category of spending for this project based on current information. We understand current estimates may change between the time the application is submitted and the date production begins. NOTE: Enter an estimate for this category based on the current preproduction planning and budget. You must enter a "number". DO NOT enter a "budget estimate range" (more than one number), "n/a", "don't know" or any non-numerical response.

What is the estimated total production budget for the project? This includes expenditures both in the District of Columbia and outside of the District of Columbia.

Provide an estimate for anticipated production vendor support services with District of Columbia registered businesses only. Do not include any expenditures with non-DC registered businesses. Do not include any cast, crew, or personnel expenditures.

Please provide an estimate for all anticipated production expenditures with District of Columbia resident "above-the-line" cast and crew only.

Note: There is a $500,000 aggregate cap on "above the line" (ATL) personnel expenditures (DC resident ATL and non-resident ATL combined). Please indicate below the estimated ATL personnel expenditure for this project and if more than $500,000, list $500,000.

Provide an estimate for all anticipated production expenditures with District of Columbia resident "below-the-line" case and crew only.

Provide an estimate for all anticipated production expenditures with non-District of Columbia resident "above-the-line" cast and crew only.

Note: There is a $500,000 aggregate cap on "above the line" (ATL) personnel expenditures (DC resident ATL and non-resident ATL combined). Please indicate below the estimated ATL personnel expenditure for this project and if more than $500,000, list $500,000.

Provide an estimate for all anticipated production expenditures with non-District of Columbia resident "below-the-line" cast and crew.

Will there be any job training or apprenticeship opportunities for DC residents on this production?

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if "yes" provide an estimate for production expenditures spent on DC resident training expenses and trainee compensation. If no, enter "0".

If your project is primarily a media "production," but will involve media industry infrastructure improvement expenditure that are permanent (and won't be removed after the production) check "yes" below.

Note: These expenditures must be "permanent," not "temporary" improvements that will be removed or struck after the production is completed.

Infrastructure Application vs. Production Application

If the project you are applying for is primarily an "infrastructure improvement" project you are filling out the wrong application. If your project does not primarily involve media production activity and is restricted to infrastructure improvement expenditures, please contact the DC Rebate Fund administrative team at filmdc.incentive@dc.gov to receive a link to the DC Rebate Fund (Infrastructure) Application.

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If "yes" provide estimate for qualified permanent infrastructure construction, upgrades or improvements related to the project.


How many estimated DC resident cast and crew jobs will be created for this project?

How many estimated non-DC resident cast and crew jobs will be created for this project?


What is the estimated date the qualifying production activity will commence for this project? This includes DC Rebate Fund program qualified pre-production activity (before the start of physical production).

Note: Do not include a dates where qualifying activity will take place outside of the District of Columbia.

What is the estimated date of the start of physical production activity for this project in the District of Columbia that would potentially qualify for a production rebate?

Note: Do not include a dates where qualifying activity will take place outside of the District of Columbia.

What is the estimated date for the completion of physical production for this project?

Note: Do not include a dates where qualifying activity will take place outside of the District of Columbia.

What is the estimated date for the completion of qualifying program activity (including wrap, post production , etc.)?

Note: This can include activity after the completion of physical production activity, but otherwise qualifies for a potential rebate.

Will the production require DC city services to execute any of the anticipated production activity? This includes street closures, police support or modification of municipal streets, property or equipment

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If "yes" the production company must notify OCTFME at least 6 weeks in advance of any such request (12 weeks is preferred). Please briefly describe what city support services might be requested.


Please check box below to confirm acknowledgement of the District of Columbia Rebate Fund "End Credit" requirement. A project accepted into the Rebate Fund program agrees to include a 5-second "Filmed in the District of Columbia" credit along with DC OCTFME "logo" in end credit scroll of production. In lieu of this requirement the qualified production company may request a waiver or suggest an alternative acknowledgement of the District of Columbia's incentive rebate support of the project.

Has this production (or does the production anticipate) applying for or has the production secured any additional incentive support from another DC Government agency other than the DC Office of Cable Television, Film, Music and Entertainment (OCTFME)? - Has this production (or does the production anticipate) applying for or has the production secured any additional incentive support from another DC Government agency other than the DC Office of Cable Television, Film, Music and Entertainment (OCTFME)?

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Please attach/upload the following documents to this application and check the box next to the document(s) uploaded.

Please attach/upload a copy of a W-9 from from the corporate entity that will be receiving the rebate. If you do not have current copy of the company's W-9 you can find a blank form to complete here: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw9.pdf This W-9 submission is required before the application can be reviewed.

The declaration letter is a document on company letterhead that affirms the project has all financing required to complete the project in place.

Drag and drop files here or

If not attaching any of the documents listed above please explain why the items are not available. Upon review of the application OCTFME may require that some or all of the items be forwarded before the project's application can be considered.


The applicant is responsible for the accuracy of all data and documentation included in this application. Once submitted, application will become the property of the DC Office of Cable Television, Film, Music and Entertainment (OCTFME). It is the applicant's responsibility to inform OCTFME in the event there are any material changes to any information submitted in this application. Amendments must be made in writing to OCTFME and emailed to: filmdc.incentive@dc.gov.


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