Chemical Purchases- P-Card Authorization

Laboratory chemicals on the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Chemical of Interest List may not be purchased via P-Card. All other laboratory chemicals purchased via the P-Card must be on the laboratory's Chemical Inventory List as required in the University's Laboratory Safety Manual.

For each P-card holder purchasing laboratory chemicals, this form, which authorizes chemical purchases on the P-Card, must be signed by the Department Chair and maintained by the department as described in the Record Retention Schedule.

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As the requestor, I the Department Purchaser, will fill out the form and enter the PI/Supervisor and Department Dean/Chair email addresses. Once the form has been submitted, it will then route to them for departmental approval before reaching the EHS department for final approval.

Email address only

I request permission to purchase lab chemicals for PI/Supervisor listed.

Do not enter dashes (-)


Email Address only

As the Department approver, I certify that the above named will maintain a Chemical Inventory List as required by the University's Laboratory Safety Manual, and that this list will be updated to include all chemicals in the laboratories and all chemicals purchased on the P-card assigned to the P-card holder listed on this form.

Email address only.