2023 Scholarship Submission Form

Please fill out the following form in order to submit your application for a 2023 NYWICI Scholarship. If you have any questions regarding the submission process please email donna-jean.plante@wearemci.com.

Interviews will be conducted April 27-29, time TBD.

The due date to complete this application is February 28, 2023.

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You can read the Recipient Obligations here.

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List your high school, or college

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U. S. citizens or Permanent Residents who live in NY, NJ, CT, or PA

College undergraduate and graduate students who are permanent residents of one of these states

College undergraduates and graduate students must be full-time students

Graduate students must also be members of New York Women in Communications in good standing (i.e., dues for the current year paid in full before applying – no exceptions)

NOTE: As long as students fulfill the permanent home residency requirements, applicants are eligible even if they attend or plan to attend an accredited U.S. college/university located outside of NY, NJ, CT, or PA. This includes participation in a communications-related semester or quarter abroad if still registered at an accredited college/university in the U.S.

U.S. citizens or Permanent Residents who do not live in NY, NJ, CT, or PA but who are currently enrolled in a communications program at a college/university in New York State may apply.

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Please be sure to upload the following:

  • Essay

Please choose one of the following two topics to write a 500-word essay:

What was the biggest communications story of 2022 and why?


If you could have dinner with anyone living or dead, who would it be, what kind of questions would you ask and why?

  • Resume

  • First Letter of Recommendation (Must be an academic recommendation.)

  • Second Letter of Recommendation (Must be professional or community recommendation)

  • All Transcripts

To qualify for a NYWICI Scholarship, students' current GPA must be 3.2 (87%) or better. Students have submitted an unofficial transcript. Any students who make it to the final round of in-person interviews will be asked to submit an official transcript.

*Please note your application will not be complete until all items are uploaded.

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