Quest Board of Directors Nomination Form
Your Information
Business Phone
Address 1
Address 2
City, State, Zip, Country
Quest Involvement
Years of Quest membership:
Quest events attended: (Ex: COLLABORATE, RECONNECT, INFOCUS, Quest Experience Week, list years)
Quest volunteer involvement: (Ex: Presenter, Group Leader, etc.)
About you and your company
- Professional Background
Company Business: Tell us about your company's business and how it uses Oracle products.
Size of Business/Oracle Footprint: Tell us your company’s annual revenue, number of employees and number of Oracle users and geographies covered by users (multi-national?).
Oracle products/use: Tell us about the Oracle products your company uses. Be specific and share ALL Oracle products you have used in the past, products you are currently using and products that you plan to use in the future. Please include a description of your role’s relationship with those products.
Job responsibilities: Tell us about what you do in your current role. Please include how your role is involved in setting strategy, departmental strategy.
Digital Transformation: Tell us about your experience in leading digital transformation at your company and where your company is in its digital transformation journey.
Previous industry employment: Tell us about the path you have taken to your current role.
Other boards and positions: Tell us about other boards that you have served on and other relevant volunteer positions.
- Statement of Intentions
What is the value of a user group? Why should users get involved with Quest?
What do you believe is the purpose of Quest’s board of directors and what interests you most in serving on the Quest board of directors?
What significant shifts do you observe in the technology landscape, and what goals and objectives should Quest consider to better support its members as a result?
What skills, relationships, or experiences could you bring to help Quest achieve its mission?
What would you hope to accomplish during your time on the Quest board?
- Reference 1
REF 1 - Name
REF 1 - Email
REF 1 - Title
REF 1 - Company Name
REF 1 - Business Phone
- Reference 2
REF 2 - Name
REF 2 - Email
REF 2 - Title
REF 2 - Company Name
REF 2 - Business Phone
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