Professional Development Application

Per Policy 4.28, Administrators, PTS, and Adjunct Faculty are invited to request external activities and PD opportunities to be captured on their PD Transcript. Administrators are required to complete 36 hours of PD within their 3-year cycle. PD hours can be earned by completing workshops/trainings offered by the college, completing workshops/trainings offered by external entities, and completing undergraduate or graduate coursework. This form must be submitted for each external course/activity completed. Once your supervisor approves the form, your PD transcript will be updated in the PD Learning Management System. If you have any questions, please contact Workplace Learning ( Thank you!

Course/Activity Type*

Please attach supporting documentation (e.g., course description and final grade, workshop flyer and attendance confirmation, certification description and completion record, etc)

Drag and drop files here or

By checking this acknowledgment box, I affirm that the referenced course/activity complies with the criteria outlined in Policy 4.28 and aligns with my professional development plan/goals.