Visiting Scholars - Interest of Visit Form

Scholars, please note that we can only accept people for a minimum of 6 months due to how much it takes to process scholars.

Also, please note that ISSS requests that the scholar will be required to show at least $30,000 in funding for the year (a prorated amount of $2,500 per month). This funding can come from one source or multiple sources, including personal funding.

Do you have a Faculty Sponsor at Emory selected?*
The Faculty sponsor and the visiting scholar understand that the SON cannot contribute any significant administrative or financial resources, and that office space in Nell Hodgson School of Nursing Building is limited.*
Drag and drop files here or

The Visiting Scholar Fees

Due to the lengthy process, the minimum stay is 6 months.

The fees are listed below to confirm what fee you will be responsible for paying depending on the duration of your stay which does not include your living expenses. (The 12-month fee is $15,000 and adjusted according to how many months you are requesting to stay as stated below).

Please note that the ISSS requests that the scholar will be required to show at least $30,000 in funding for the year (a prorated amount of $2,500 per month). This funding can come from one source or multiple sources, including personal funding.

  • 6 month fee = $7,500
  • 7 month fee = $8,750
  • 8 month fee = $10,000
  • 9 month fee = $11,250
  • 10 month fee = $12,500
  • 11 month fee = $13,750
  • 12 month fee = $15,000