ASAD 2025 - 2026 Application

Academy for Student Athlete Development Admissions Process

This is step 3 of 4 in the admissions process. In the application step for ASAD we are requesting that all interested candidates complete the following application. Your responses will help us to assess your eligibility for the program, please be thoughtful and truthful in your responses.

Please review the steps in the admission process carefully. If you have not completed steps 1 and 2 please reach out prior to completing the application. If you have any questions throughout this process, please let us know.

Step 1: Email to Express Interest


Name, grade, sport, parent name, parent email

You will be added to an email list and will be invited to ASAD events.

Step 2: Information Session/Day in the Life

It is recommended for all applicants and parent/guardian to be informed on the ASAD program. The nature of the program involves coordinating many aspects of the student-athletes life both academically and athletically. With a strong understanding of the program, athletes and families can make the best decision.

The student-athlete and parent/guardian must attend an information session and/or day in the life.

Information Session - will provide an insight into the program (schedule, facility, staff/coach bios, financial terms, etc.). If the student-athlete and the parent/guardian is unable to attend the info night, we recommend that they schedule a time to come in and meet with the staff before the application deadline.

Day in the Life - Students will participate in a technical or strength and conditioning session, meet the staff and current students, and tour the facility. The ASAD coach will evaluate and provide feedback on your fit in the program. Group day in the life opportunity or individual sessions available.

Step 3: Submit Application

Athlete Information

Athlete Questionnaire

Reference “form” from coach

Step 4: Offers sent – registration

Once you have completed the admissions process, we will communicate with you. Acceptance into the program will be based on admissions process, program capacity, and order of applications. Details providing registration will be sent out. Payment of deposit will be due at this time to secure your spot in the program.

Student Athlete Information

Are you a new or returning student?*
Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

Example: she/her; they/them; he/him

Academic Questions

Please reply to the questions to the best of your ability, please be thoughtful and reflective in your responses.

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol
Select or enter value
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Are you enrolled in a French Immersion program?*

Parent/Guardian Information


Primary Contact

To be used only when parent(s) or guardian(s) cannot be reached

Athletic Competition Level

Please indicate your PRIMARY sport and current level of competition and/or training within that sport. Please also indicate your primary position played within that sport.

Primary Sport*

Athlete Questionnaire

Answers are to be filled out by student athlete applying for the program.

Qualities and Attributes

New applicants will be required to submit a reference form. Form may be completed by personal coach, program coordinator/supervisor, PE teacher, etc. If you do not have the form please email

The form can be attached in the space below or emailed to (no later than two weeks after submitting application.)

For returning students, if you have initiated new activities over the past year or would like to share an additional reference letter that highlights your growth in a leadership role within the community or the impact that ASAD programming has had on your academic or athletic achievements, please attach the reference letter in the space below or email it to (no later than two weeks after submitting application.)

Please upload your letter of reference in the space below

Drag and drop files here or