Share your COVID-19 Story

The aim is to share creative ideas, initiatives, outstanding works, or even unpredictable stories from across the world, so you can deliver important messages to the ACNAP community. Your story matters, and we want your voice to be heard.

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Data Privacy

By submitting your story to ACNAP: • You confirm you are currently a member of ACNAP (submission is restricted to members only). • You warrant to the ESC that you are the author of the story and that the work is original and does not infringe upon any copyright, proprietary, or personal right of any third party. • You warrant that you removed all patient identifiable data from your story. • You warrant that the content submitted is not obscene, threatening, harassing, deceptive, invasive of another’s privacy, offensive, defamatory of any person, illegal or otherwise deliberately intended to upset or harm other users. The European Society of Cardiology reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to edit, refuse to publish, and remove any content at any time and without prior notice. • You accept that your submission is uploaded and stored into ESC servers – Your Information contained in your submission(s) will be kept or a maximum of two years after your last interaction/activity with the ESC. It seems quite long… For the grant winners, we keep info 2 years from the date of grant completion. • You agree and authorize ESC-ACNAP to publish/promote your story on every available support (including your name and country) for the exclusive purpose of ‘share your COVID Story’ initiative (online or on-site during specific ESC events/congresses). Except for the ‘share your COVID-19 story’ initiative, your submission will not be reproduced nor publicly disseminated by the ESC in any form without your express consent. The European Society of Cardiology reserves the right, without prior notice or compensation, to suspend temporarily or close definitively the ‘Share your COVID-19 story’ initiative at any time. The European Society of Cardiology shall not be liable for any harm whatsoever that could result from these changes and/or temporary unavailability. The information collected in the e-form is subject to data processing to manage the 'Share your COVID-19 story’ initiative and activities. The recipients of the data are ESC staff, ACNAP Board & Committee members involved to perform specific services in connection with the initiative as well as visitors of You may consult ESC Privacy and Data Security Policy at : In accordance with the chapter 3 of the European Regulation 2016/679 with regards to data protection, you have the right to request from ESC, access to and rectification or erasure of your personal data or restriction of processing concerning your data or to object to processing as well as the right to data portability. For such, please contact (be aware that a proof of identity will be requested during the process via a secured web link). You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, and for information, ESC has appointed a Data Protection Officer that you can reach at