ご承知の通り、ロシュ社は長年にわたり販売してきたFキットを廃止する方向で動いています。貴社の酵素学的検査を継続できるために、弊社はEnzytec™ Liquidを開発してきました。新しいキットの性能については、ご評価いただいたかと思い、最高なサービスと商品を提供するために、Enzytec™ Liquidの使用感について簡単なアンケートをお願いいたします。
Dear valued customer,
as you know Roche is in the process of discontinuing their well-established yellow line Enzymatic Range.
In order for you to continue with your Enzymatic testing, we have developed Enzytec™ Liquid product line.
We hope that you have had a chance to evaluate the performance of the new Kits.
It is important for us to offer you the best service and the best products possible, for this reason, we would like to ask you to fill out a short questionnaire about your experience with Enzytec™ Liquid.
Thank you and kind regards