Faculty Travel Request

Department of Geography and Anthropology Faculty Only

(Conference name, research topic, etc...)


Approvals Needed:

International travelers must obtain approval from Global Safety prior to booking travel: globalsafety@kennesaw.edu.

Will You Be Presenting?*
Will You Be Adding Personal Time?*

Personal Time Requirements:

Fill out this form and attach required supporting documents to your Concur travel request before submission


Anticipated budget*

Please describe budget account and amount to be charged

(ex. Grants, $1200)

Please enter zero if not applicable

Will you require registration reimbursement prior to travel*

Please enter zero if not applicable

Will you require membership reimbursement prior to travel*
  • Air Travel Guidelines
  • Tickets can be purchased in Concur 14 - 30 days before departure for domestic travel and 14 - 60 days before departure for international travel
  • Lodging Guidelines
  • AirBnB and other homestays are not approved lodging options
  • Conference rate hotels are allowed to be booked outside of Concur

any costs not identified above you are requesting reimbursement