ISS Project Intake

Project requests received before 12PM on Friday will be assigned the following review cycle. Project requests received after 12PM on Friday will be processed with the next week's review cycle.

Primary Contact


Alternate Contact


Requesting Department

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Select or enter value
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Departmental financial approval is required to submit a project. Confirm by clicking the checkbox below and entering the approver's contact details.


Project Location

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Click the dropdown menu below to browse buildings by number, or type your building's name or number after opening the menu to search for it in the list.

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If this request involves the entire building, check the box below and enter "0" in the Room Number field. If this request is for work in only certain floors or spaces within a building, specify those spaces in the Room Number field.

Project Details

Describe why this project is necessary by the desired completion date below.

If this is an ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) request, have you contacted UNM Compliance, Ethics and Equal Oportunity? If not, please contact CEEO about your need first. If you are working with CEEO on your ADA request, please include details in the Project Description field above and select the checkbox below.

Is this request only to make an order(s) of furniture or cubicles? If this is the case, select the checkbox below. If your org has funds that need to be used by June 30, 2025 and intends to use them for furniture, please submit these furniture requests no later than March 1st, 2025.

Is this request for an estimate only? If this is the case, select the checkbox below. The cost of an estimate is $1,000.

Does the project involve new public art or impact existing public art? Select the checkbox below.


Available funding is required to submit a project. Select the checkbox below and enter funding and/or budget details in this section.

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Check the box below if this request is on your Department/School/College's multi-year Capital Plan.

Specify the project's priority in the Capital Plan. If it is not in your capital plan, provide details of how it will be funded and where it fits in addition to the plan. This is critical for funding sources of types "Other" or "Unknown".


Attach any files that will be helpful to fulfilling this project request, such as images or documents.

Drag and drop files here or