College Invoice Apprenticeship Programs at SUNY

An invoice should ONLY be submitted following completion of an activity (i.e. industry roundtable concluded, participant has completed training course). Following submission of this invoice, a separate form providing details is required for some activities. Links are located within each of those activity section. For all areas, ensure an invoice is attached so that the business office of the lead campus is able to process for payment. Any additional attachments and required backup can be attached at the bottom of this form. This invoice should be submitted to cover the following six activities: 1. Industry Roundtables 2. Pre-apprenticeship 3. Related Instruction 4. Curriculum development 5. Hybrid & competency-based assessment tool development 6. Hybrid & competency-based assessment tool administration Each apprentice and pre-apprentice supported should have an intake form completed.

Pre-Apprentice Intake A-F(Advanced Manufacturing)*: Click Here

Pre-Apprentice Intake G-O(Advanced Manufacturing)*: Click Here

Pre-Apprentice Intake P-Z(Advanced Manufacturing)*: Click Here

Apprentice Intake A-F(Advanced Manufacturing)*: Click Here

Apprentice Intake G-O(Advanced Manufacturing)*: Click Here

Apprentice Intake P-Z(Advanced Manufacturing)*: Click Here

Pre-Apprentice Intake (Healthcare)*: Click Here

Apprentice Intake (Healthcare)*: Click Here

Pre-Apprentice Intake (Other)*: Click Here

Apprentice Intake (Other)*: Click Here

* A signed Participant Information Release Form must be on file for the invoice to be be processed.

Questions for each activity are grouped. At the beginning of each activity area there is a required question to determine if you are invoicing for that activity. If you are, please complete that activity's questions. If not, move to the next section. There are required questions at the end as well. This form must be completed in its entirety as an incomplete form cannot be saved and returned to at a later time. Ensure that an invoice is attached documenting the activities so that the lead campus business office is able to pay out the associated costs. At the end of this form always check the box for "Send me a copy of my responses." This will acknowledge submission and provide a detailed summary from a Smartsheet email. Please forward questions or request for additional information to:

Enter date as YYYYMMDD.

**Invoices must be submitted no later than one month following course completion**

Agreement number is located on the document signed between college and the lead campus (i.e. 154.12 or 299.25).

Caret IconCaret symbol

Enter the invoice number associated with this submission.

Caret IconCaret symbol

Industry Roundtables 1A-1F

Answer all questions in this section if invoicing for Industry Roundtables.

Are you Invoicing for Industry Roundtables?*
1A. Industry Sector Focus

Enter as numerical digit (i.e. "3" not "three").

Please enter in YYYYMMDD format.

If employer names were not included on the sign-in sheet list here, otherwise leave blank. Sign-in sheet will be attached at end.

Enter the amount being billed to SUNY for Industry Roundtables. DO NOT include project management. Project management will be entered at the end of this form for all activities being billed.

Pre-Apprenticeship 2A-2C

Answer all questions in this section if invoicing for Pre-Apprenticeship Trainings.

Are you Invoicing for Pre-Apprenticeship Trainings?*

The pre-apprentice training details form must be completed following submission of this form and prior to payment being authorized. It must be completed for each pre-apprentice for each training AFTER course completion. Please refer to the links on the left side of the form.

Enter as numerical digit (i.e. "3" not "three").

Enter the amount being billed to SUNY for Pre-Apprenticeship trainings. DO NOT include project management. Project management will be entered at the end of this form for all activities being billed.

Enter as First Last, amount. Separate each entry with a semicolon. (i.e. John Doe, $150; Jane Smith $200). Amount should be total per person per training that is being billed to SUNY.

Related Instruction 3A-3C

Answer all questions in this section if invoicing for Related Instruction Trainings.

Are you Invoicing for Related Instruction?*

Enter as First Last, amount. Separate each entry with a semicolon. (i.e. John Doe, $1,550; Jane Smith $295). Amount should be total per person per training that is being billed to SUNY.

Curriculum Development 4A-4H

Answer all questions in this section if invoicing for Curriculum Development.

Are you Invoicing for Curriculum Development?*

College policy addressing curriculum development and payroll documentation commensurate with college policy and detailed course outline must be attached. Note - Funds for curriculum development are commensurate with college policy, cap of $3,500 for a new course and $1,750 for course revision.

Enter as numerical digit (i.e. "3" not "three").

Enter the amount being billed to SUNY for Curriculum Development. DO NOT include project management. Project management will be entered at the end of this form for all activities being billed.

Separate each with a comma.

Separate each name with a comma. Please complete this form indicating what skills each course will address for each trade. If more than one trade, complete a separate form for each trade. Click Here

(i.e. as would be listed in a course catalog)

Hybrid/Competency Assessment Development 5A-5F

Answer all questions in this section if invoicing for Hybrid/Competency Development.

Are you Invoicing for Hybrid/Competency Assessment Development?

College policy addressing curriculum development, payroll documentation commensurate with college policy and assessment/rubric or equivalent must be attached.

Enter as numerical digit (i.e. "3" not "three").

Enter the amount being billed to SUNY for Hybrid/Competency Development. DO NOT include project management. Project management will be entered at the end of this form for all activities being billed.

Separate each with a comma.

Hybrid/Competency Assessment Administration 6A-6E

Answer all questions in this section if invoicing for Hybrid/Competency Assessment Administration.

Are You Invoicing for Hybrid/Competency Assessment Administration?*

Payroll documentation for evaluator and/or proctor must be attached.

Enter as numerical digit (i.e. "3" not "three").

Enter the amount being billed to SUNY for Hybrid/Competency Assessment Administration. DO NOT include project management. Project management will be entered at the end of this form for all activities being billed.

Separate each with a comma.

Enter as First Name Last Name. Separate each entry with a comma.

Total Costs

Answer all questions in this section.

Add amount for each activity invoiced above and enter total amount here.

Colleges are able to add project management.

On April 1, 2024 project management increased from 10% to 20%. The agreement number will be the indicator for the percentage.

AM: 154, 155 and 156 – 10% project management

AM: 157 and higher is 20% project management

HC: 299 – 10% project management

HC: 201 and higher is 20% project management

OT: 400 – 10% project management

OT: 401 and higher is 20% project management

Enter amount the college will charge here.

This is the amount requested from SUNY -- total delivery cost of all areas plus project management.

Enter as First Name Last Name.

Please check this box to certify the following statement: I certify that this invoice is correct and that it does not duplicate reimbursement of costs or services received from other sources. In addition, I certify that reimbursement is requested only for expenditures on items approved on the agreement with the lead campus.

For all areas, attach an invoice so that the business office of the lead campus is able to process for payment. If additional information was required for an activity being billed upload the document here. Please clearly indicate which activities the documentation supports.

Drag and drop files here or