CNM New Program Intake Form
This program intake form is used to submit new ideas for program and/or non-credit training. A program is defined as any combination of courses or requirements that lead to a credential or a particular workforce development goal.
This intake form is the first step in the process managed by the Division of Workforce and Community Success (WCS). As an Hispanic-serving community college, CNM is invested in providing equitable opportunities to educate and train historically/currently excluded or underserved populations to support a diverse local workforce. When reviewing new programs, CNM considers how a program addresses current and future market demand, how the program furthers CNM’s mission, and revenue and expenses associated with each program.
At CNM, our mission is to be a leader in education and training with the vision of Changing Lives, Building Community. Our values are Be Caring, Be Ethical, Be Inspiring, Be Courageous, Be Connected, Be Exceptional – Be CNM. Learn about our strategic direction here.
Check "Send me a copy of my responses" at the bottom of the form to receive an email confirmation upon submission. You can expect follow-up within four weeks.