Purchase Order Payment Approval

Submission of this form provides approval to proceed with payment against a Purchase Order (also known as "Ok to Pay"). This form is to make payments against a Purchase Order (PO) originating from a requisition submitted by the department who is working with a buyer in Procurement.

Preparer Information

Enter your name, department, email, and phone extension.

Caret IconCaret symbol
Type of Request*

Purchase Order Payment (Ok to Pay) or Sub Award Payment (Sponsored Project Subrecipient)

This field is for the department of the sponsored project. This may differ from the preparer department. If the same as preparer department, leave blank.

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

Principal Investigator - Please enter the Email address of the P.I.

Foreign Supplier

Check box if this payment is for a foreign supplier. Leave blank otherwise.

Requisition Information

Submit a separate form for EACH invoice. Only one invoice per Smartsheet form.

Must be within 10% (up to $100) of the original PO line amount. Contact your buyer if variance exceeds these limits or if the invoice has other abnormalities (e.g. higher than quoted prices; unexpected charges; etc)

If we are contractually obligated to send funds via wire, please comment in the request detail.

If this request represents the final payment for this PO, please check the box to indicate to Procurement the PO should be closed and any remaining encumbrance released. No further invoices can be processed against this PO once closed.

Quotes and/or Statements are not acceptable substitutes. Only one invoice on each request. Payments for Subawards or Subrecipients must include PI and OSP approval signatures with stamped attestation on invoice.

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Enter their email address below.

Enter their email address below.